
December 15, 2022

🕌🕌 TAMIA 🕌🕌
(Tausiyah Mahasiswa Kimia)

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Chems!

Tamia is back with a title
⭐ The Virtues of Studying ⭐

Hallo everyone🙌🏻 How is the lecture so far? Almost every day we study offline or online, but friends know what is the virtue of studying? Let's see the explanation🤗

Science is a means of fulfilling what God requires of us. Imperfect faith and imperfect is charity except with knowledge. With the knowledge Allah is worshipped, with it the right of Allah is fulfilled, and with knowledge also His religion is spread.

The law of studying for Muslims and Muslim women is mandatory. In addition, there are virtues in studying, including the following:

  1. Science simplifies the way to heaven.
  2. Science is the legacy of the Prophets.
  3. Knowledge will be eternal and beneficial to its owner even though he has died.
  4. A man of knowledge of God lifts up his degree.

Source :


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