
November 17, 2022

International Labor Day

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hello, Chemists!
AAHI is back again, does anyone know what's going on today?

Come on, check out the following info!
International Labor Day

Every May 1st is commemorated as Labor Day in various countries in the world. According to Indonesia Dictionary (KBBBI), the meaning of labor is a person who work for someone and with the purpose to get wages.

Labor Day start from May 1st 1886, where 300.000 laborer from 13.000 company in every corner of United States of America demonstrating demands eight hours of working hours per day. At that time, working hours range from 10 to 16 hours per day with apprehensive condition.

Ratusan ribu buruh ini memenuhi alun-alun Haymarket di Chicago, AS. Negosiasi berjalan alot hingga puncaknya pukul 10 malam pada 4 Mei, demontrasi berakhir ricuh. Saat orasi demonstrasi, bom meledak di barisan polisi yang berjaga. Tujuh polisi tewas dan 67 polisi lainnya terluka. Polisi langsung menembak dan menewaskan sejumlah demonstran di alun-alun Haymarket.

Want to know other unique facts about Labor Day? Let's check the information in the picture above!😉✨


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