
December 15, 2022


✍🏻 WPKM-KTI ✍🏻
✨ Opportunity to Explore Bright Ideas for Greater Writing Skills in PKM and KTI ✨
Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Peace be upon us all

Thank you to all WPKM-KTI participants who have participated in the entire series of events from the beginning to the end of the event

The following is the WPKM-KTI Press Release that has been implemented on :
πŸ—“οΈ Saturday, 24 September 2022
⏲️ 08.00 WIB – done
πŸ“ Zoom Cloud’s Meeting

πŸ—£ PKM Speaker
πŸŽ™ Dr. Med. dr. Indwiani Astuti
β€’ Tim Pengarah PKM, Dir Belmawa, Ditjen Dikti-Ristek Kemendikbud-Ristek RI 2019 – Present
β€’ Coordinate of Students Creativity Programs, Dir Belmawa, Ditjen Dikti-Ristek Kemendikbud-Ristek RI 2020 – 2021

πŸ—£KTI Speaker
πŸŽ™ Bambang Trimansyah, S.S.
β€’ Div. Head of Publishing, PT Grafindo Media Pratama
β€’ Anggota Komite Penilaian Buku Teks tahun 2022

The following is a series of Workshop Pendidikan events:

  1. Participant Registration
  2. Opening by MC
  3. Recitation of Tilawah
  4. Remarks
  5. Material I: PKM
  6. Q&A Session
    Material I: PKM
  7. Submission of Certificate and Material Documentation I: PKM
  8. Games
  9. Material II: KTI
  10. Q&A Material II: KTI
  11. Submission of Certificate and Material Documentation II: KTI
  12. Announcement of The Winner
  13. Closure and Documentation

See you at WPKM-KTI next πŸ‘‹

πŸ“· Social Media of Temu Kimia


©️ HPD Temu Kimia XXVI

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