
November 18, 2022

TAMIA (Tausiyah Mahasiswa Kimia)

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Chemist!

Tamia is back with a title
Endeavor and Prayer

Hello guys, soon we'll entering the week of exam. In Islam, teach us how important prayer besides endeavor.

Then, what is prayer and endeavor? And what are our obligation as Muslims? Let's see this explanation!

Pray not a replacement of effort and endeavor but to strenghten it. Pray is the only power and hope of believers when all of the endeavor had been done.

Endeavor is form of effort, move hard to reach something that we want. Endeavoring means we do something with every effort to reach something that will be blessed by Allah SWT.

All of the events in nature not simply handed over to natural laws like automatic machine, behind this natural laws there is another law there is the will of Allah who is decisive.

Human can only planning, Allah who determines

There are 4 reasons why pray is obligation:

  1. So in every condition they always facing Allah so that monotheism will always be firm in their hearts.
  2. So that their faith becomes firm when the prayers are answered and their goals are achieved.
  3. If on the one hand there is Allah's help, then their wisdom and knowledge will increase.
  4. If the answer to the prayer is promised by inspiration and ru'ya, then the casket is perfect as well, then divine wisdom increases. From that understanding will arise a belief that can lead to love.

Because of that, pray to Allah for protection from all things that are unwanted and dangerous.

Source : Bintang Syariah


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