The Master of Biology Education Program is one of the study programs under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This study program was established for more than 1 (one) decade in order to provide educational services at the master’s level to the community. The Study Program was established based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number 08/E/O/2012 Dated January 4, 2012 Master of Biology Education, FMIPA, UNJ began to organize this educational program in the academic year 2012/2013. Based on the Decree of BAN-PT No. 2030/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VI/2017 This study program has been nationally accredited (B) from BAN-PT in the 2017-2021 period.
Referring to the university’s vision of “Becoming a Reputable University in the Asian Region”, the consequence that must be carried out by the study program is to implement a student-centered learning program with an outcome based education. The focus of the study program is to produce graduate educators who are able to provide digital technology-based biology education and learning that are accountable, have a leadership spirit, are religious, are able to work together, are responsible, creative, critical, and communicative.
In line with the University’s Vision to become a “reputable university in the Asian region” and the Vision of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, namely “By 2030, become an excellent and competitive faculty in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Natural Sciences education at the ASEAN level based on faith and piety”, the Master of Biology Education Study Program formulate an academic vision”To become an excellent study program in the field of digital technology-based biology education and learning in the ASIA region”.
the mission of the study program in the elaboration of the following points:
- Organizing educational and learning activities through the use of technology, based on the dissemination of knowledge and research results in the fields of education and the latest Biology.
- Manage and develop research to solve problems in biology education through interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or multidisciplinary approaches.
- Organizing research-based community service in the field of biology education and learning that can be utilized for the community.
- To produce a master of biology education who has integrity and competence in research, develops technology-based learning and has global competitiveness.
The Programme Education Outcames
This Study Program is built to produce human resources at the Masters level in Biology Education who are able to:
- design, implement, succeed, and assess biology learning based on local wisdom and digital technology.
- design and carry out research in biology and biology education and communicate it in various scientific forums.
- Designing curriculum and management of education units and implementing lifelong learning.