Amphibians and Reptiles Society of leucomystax Universitas Negeri Jakarta, which is abbreviated as KPAR leucomystaxUNJ. Amphibians and Reptiles Society of leucomystax UNJ is a community that facilitate interest, research, and education in herpetofauna conservation and related fileds. KPAR leucomystaxUNJ was established in Jakarta on February 10, 2015, domiciled at the State University of Jakarta until an unspecified time.

Vision and Mision

Organization Vision of KPAR leucomystax UNJ :

To become a study group that excels in research, education, and conservation to maintain herpetofauna diversity.

The mission of KPAR leucomystaxUNJ:

  1. Protecting the richness and diversity of Herpetofauna
  2. Doing research in the field of Herpetofauna and everything related to it
  3. Educating the public in the field of herpetofauna
  4. Carry out herpetofauna conservation activities and everything related to it
  5. Become an institution that contributes to the advancement of the herpetofauna field
  6. Collaborate with agencies and NGOs that are related and support the preservation of Herpetofauna, not contradicting the AD/ART KPAR leucomystax


Dimas Bayu Nur Ramadhan

Ajeng Deva Farandika

Dhea Ramadhanti Salsabilah

  1. ‘Aisyah Rizky Abdillah
  2. Aqilla Haya
  3. Ajeng Setyani
  4. Yohanes Eka Cordias Buulolo
  5. Muhammad Rizqi Windarto
  6. Putri Mega Aulia
  7. Astria Puri Dewanti
  1. Lokanithia Mutiara Rahma
  2. Tiara Cahyaningtyas
  3. Depit Ardiansah
  4. Intan Fandini
  5. Muhammad Daffa Zahrandika
  6. Salwa Nabilah Nasrul
  7. Violina Nabilah
  1. Kamilia Fadhilah Maryana
  2. Daffa Azalia
  3. Axel Mareta Mutiani
  4. Muhammad Bayu Rifqi
  5. Ayu Sapitri
  6. Najmi Syarqi Jamilah Fithri
  7. Lutfi Permana

Work Program

  • Inauguration

Recruiting and preparing new members as future generations who will run the organization of KPAR LeucomystaxUNJ.

  • Herping

Herpetofauna survey program

  • benchmarking

Exchanging information with other organizations about work programs and organizational structures aimed at adding insight and knowledge in running the organization.

  • Journal Review

Discussing research articles about herpetofauna both nationally and internationally.

  • Herpetofauna Awareness

Introducing herpetofauna species to the society