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Tissue culture laboratory in Laboratory Premises of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, East Campus, UNJ is a laboratory used to support practical activities of compulsory and elective courses available in the Department of Biology, UNJ. The tissue culture educational laboratory is designed with a flexible framework concept, accommodating a more dynamic student work group.

Tissue Culture Educational Laboratory is used for courses:

  1. Plant Tissue Culture (Compulsory course)
  2. Plant Biotechnology (Elective course)
  3. Principles of Horticulture (Elective course)

The practicum of plant structure and development generally consists of equipment sterilization, preparation of stock media solution and plant growth regulators, media preparation, media sterilization, plant material sterilization and explant planting, plantlet subculture and acclimatization. The practical activities of plant biotechnology are covered with special projects about the experiment of bean embryo encapsulation. The practical activities of principles of horticulture generally are about planting of vegetable plants using hydroponic techniques indoors. The capacity for this laboratory is up to 20 students.

The equipment available in this laboratory is: transfer box (Laminar Air Flow Cabinet), Oven and Electrical Autoclave, Hot Plate and magnetic stirer, Orbital Shaker, Digital scales with an accuracy of 0.01 gr and 0.0001 gr, microscopes and glassware supporting practicum activities. laboratory also has 5 (five) Culture Shelves which are enough to accommodate student practicum activities.

Nama AlatSpesifikasiTahun PengadaanJumlah
Autoclave electrikGEA YX24LM20201
Autoclave gasAll American Autoclave 1925X20201
Orbital Shaker20151
Hotplate stirrerStuart20151
Hotplate stirrerFisher20151
Lemari esNasional20151
Isolasi steril20151
Spektro WenkLab.tec20151
Timbangan analitik (Balance) akurasi 0.0001 grMettler Toledo20151
Timbangan analitik (Balance) akurasi 0.001 gr Kern abj20151
Timbangan analitik akurasi 0.01 gr And EK-200i20151

of Tissue Culture Practicum Activities

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