Since its establishment in 1998, the Biology Study Program FMIPA UNJ has produced many graduates with fairly good competencies. Hence it enables graduates of the Biology Study program to compete nationally and globally in relatively potential occupations according to their field of expertise.

The study tracer for the Biology Study Program alumni showed that the fields of work for biology graduates are varied. Such as in the field of animal and plant conservation (Botanical Gardens and National Parks), research institutions (BRIN), health laboratories, consultants and teaching staff (lecturers), and entrepreneurship.

These graduates are assets to the Biology Study Program. Therefore it is essential to maintain a good relationship between the Study Program and its graduates, especially in providing input for curriculum improvement in the study program.

The activity carried out is an alumni seminar (Alumni talks). Seminar Alumni are held annually by inviting several alumni to present their fields of work. This seminar activity aims to increase students’ insight into the description of work and scientific fields at the institution where the alumni work and internship opportunities there. This activity is also a place for alumni to meet and discuss possible research collaborations, which in the future are expected to assist students in accelerating the completion of their studies.


1. Putri Kesuma W. S.Si. Staff of Botanical Garden Eka Karya Bali – BALI

2. Oktavianus Samir S.Si. Researcher in Limnology Research Center LIPI (BRIN) -JAKARTA.

3. Nur Saudatuzzahroh S.SI. Embryologist SMART IVF, Daya Medika. Jakarta

4. Dita Ervianti S.SI – The DKI Jakarta Parks and Forresr Services

5. Luthfiah Masykuroh S.Si., Pusat Pelayanan Kesehatan Hewan dan Peternakan – (Animal and Livestock Health Service Center – Jakarta)

6. Dika Rachmat Santoso S.Si., Volunter of Regional Health Laboratory DKI Jakarta

7. Siwi Arthapani Mandiri S.Si. Entrepreneur

8. Achmad Alifianto S.Si. Environmental consultant


1. Rini Rachmatika, M.Sc.

2. Muhammad Fadliansyah, S.Si