HABIBI Program Studi Biologi Tahun 2022
Student Executive Board of Biology Study Program organizes a Halal bi Halal activity as usual tradition that is packaged in the HABIBI program to accommodate amity between Muslim students of biology study program. This HABIBI program is a program designed by the BIO-C division with the theme taken this year is “Spread mercy, tightening Ukhuwah” […]
International Collaborative class with guest lecturer from TMU (Taipei Medical University)
This guest lecture event is one of collaboration class held by Biology Department of State University of Jakarta and Taipei Medical University, Taiwan in the course of Human Biology. The topics of courses is urinary, reproductive and musculoskeletal systems are held online for all students as well as alumni of Biology Department
Teaching Practitioner on Campus
Achievement Student of 2022
Biology Department, FMIPA UNJ Congratulation to: Verdy VirgautamaBiologi A/20191308619005 as Outstanding Achievement Student III of 2022 Faculty of Mathematics and SciencesState University of Jakarta entitled PENGEMBANGAN BIOETANOL BERBASIS KOMBINASI LIMBAH BUAH DAN SAYUR MENGGUNAKAN BAKTERI Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 DENGAN TEKNOLOGI FED-BATCH FERMENTOR UNTUK MEMINIMALISASI PEMANASAN GLOBAL Supervising lecturer : Dr. Tri Handayani Kurniati, M.Si