CMC ACROPORA is a study group engaged in marine activities in the Department of Biology, UNJ. The study group was established on June 13, 2008. The origin of the establishment of this study group by chance, started from a group of Biology students who had the same vision, namely preserving the sea and the biota in it. The establishment of this study group was also facilitated by one of the lecturers in the Biology Department of UNJ who had the same vision, namely Hanum Isfaeni, S.Pd., M.Sc., who was also the supervisor of this study group.
Based on Marine Biology which is committed to conducting training and introduction to marine life for the younger generation of Indonesia so that they can recognize and understand the real concept of Conservation. Acroporawill participate in coloring the activities of UNJ Biology students in the academic field and play a role in marine conservation and become a learning platform in the field of marine education that is educative, conservative, and informative.
Objective :
– As a forum for UNJ students who have a love of the sea to exchange information, and opinions on research about the sea and its biota
– Participate in marine conservation which is manifested in the form of concrete actions
Benefit :
– For students of the AcroporaCMC study group, can enrich and develop their knowledge in the marine field as well as their soft skills
– For the community in general as a driving agent in terms of marine conservation, where the effects can be felt by the community either directly or indirectly.
Ketua : Ayu Indrawsary
Bendahara : Nurnawati
Sekretaris : Yulinda Nurfit Demajosita
1. Penggerak Sumber Daya Manusia (PSDM)
Koordinator : Yunida Wulandari
Anggota :
– Claudia Sulfitania
– Fitri Puji Astuti
– Halimatul Sa’diyah
– Rica Fitriyana
– Syera N. Mutia
2. Marine Development and Research (MDR)
Koordinator : Citra Kusuma
Anggota :
– Desy Eka
– Heldi Gunawan
– Marsha Hanin
– Rani Wulan Suci
– Tasya Bonita I.
3. Marine Enterpeneur (ME)
Koordinator : Dea Hermadianti
Anggota :
– Andisa Sabrina
– Annisa Ussmania
– Farrah Meuthia
– Gita Sulistianingrum
– Nurul Family
– Yunita Sari
4. Marine Media Center (MMC)
Koordinator : Melani Wulandari
Anggota :
– Afilia Rakhmanti
– Aulia Rahma
– Nurul Fariza
– Rizka Anugrahyanti
– Shifa Fauziah
5. DEpartemen RuMAh tangGA (DERMAGA)
Koordinator : Kartika Aprilia
Anggota :
– Hazlaeni
– Johan Susanto
– Lukman Affanur
– Rusdyansyah Mansyur
The work programs planned for each division in the management of the CMC ACROPORA Study Group for the 2015-2016 period are as follows:
1. 1. Human Resources Driver (PSDM)
a. Swim with CMC (BBC)
b. Commemorating World Ocean Day ( WOD)
c. Acroporan Inauguration 08
d. Family Gathering
2. Marine Development and Research (MDR)
a. Coral Study
b. Expedition/Research
c. Study Group
d. Seminar
3. Marine Entrepreneur (ME)
a. Ecology Fun (EcoFun)
b. Setting the Inauguration Attributes (PDL, KTA, Pln)
c. Taking care of CMC’s Clothes
d. Calendar 2016
e. Notes
4. Marine Media Center (MMC)
a. COWas Activities (CoaST On WhatsApp)
b. CMC Satnite activities on twitter
c. CMC Newsletter
d. Mading CMC
5. Department of Households (Wharf)
a. Inventory and maintain swimming equipment
b. Managing ADART
The achievements of the ACROPORA CMC Study Group in the last year recorded are:
1. EcoFun Committee at Izzada School
2. 2. Marine and Fisheries Seminar Participants
3. 3. Volunteer for Seafood Seminar with Marine Buddies WWF Indonesia