IMG_0568 Bio Umum 4
IMG_0564 Bio Umum
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General Biology Laboratory located in West Campus, Universitas Negeri Jakarta is a teaching laboratory that support the practical activities of compulsory and elective courses available in the Department of Biology, Department of Biological Education, and Department of Chemistry, UNJ. This laboratory is designed with a flexible framework concept, accommodating a more dynamic activies and can support a large number of students. This laboratory consists of 3 chambers: office room for PLP and lecturers, herbarium for storing plant specimens from fields, and main room with capacity up to 40 students.

The General Biology Laboratory is used for the General Biology course as a basic course to support continued courses such as plant biology, animal biology, microbiology, genetics and ecology. The practical activities for general biology generally consist of introduction of microscopes and observation of cells, tissues in plants, tissues in animals, diffusion, osmosis and plasmolysis, plant pigments, photosynthesis, respiration in plants and animals, cells reproduction, fermentation, and interdependent between organisms.

Nama AlatSpesifikasiJumlah
Water still Aquatron A4000D 1
Freezer Sansio 1
Lemari es Sharp 1
Billing cabinet 1
Oven memmert 1
Mikrosentrifuge Janetzki T5 1
Microwave Sharp 1
Incubation zone Griffin & George 1
Timbangan analitik Amput 1
Magnifying with stand suminoto 1
Timbangan digital And HF 3000G1
Lemari besi elite 1
Mikroskop cahaya 9
Mikroskop cahaya Meiji Mega 4
Batuan sedimen 15
Set Mini pcr (elfor) mini8 2
Timbangan 10 kg Stube 1
Magnetik stirrer besi 1
Besi kompleks1
Oven Sanyo1
Timbangan ohause 1
MikroskopFisher 18
MikroskopCahaya 16
MikroskopOlympus 20
MikroskopMicro projector (Meiji)2
MikroskopPanjang 2
MikroskopStereo (Forty American optical)1
MikroskopOlympus lemari 3 2
Haemometer Superior 6 set
Haemocytometer marienfeld 6 set
Alat alat haemocytometer dan haemometer
Dissecting set gold cross 8
Stopwatch diamond 3
Termometer kenko 3@12
Clinical termometer oral 7
Gentle temp (ear termometer) Omron 1
Loop 8+2
Buku buta warna 7
Tuning forks renz 5 set
Tuning forks marwa 4 set
Stetoskop yamasu 1
Stetoskop riester 3
Stetoskop Abn 1
Aneroid sphygmomanometer GEA medical 6
Lancing device with ejector 1
Blood Lancet 1 kotak
Surgical Blade 1 kotak
Alcohol pads 50
Cover glass marienfeld 1 kotak 9@100
Objek glass sail brand 50 + 72 pcs
Preparat jaringan tumbuhan
Preparat jaringan hewan
Kertas saring whatman nomor 1 100 pcs
Cover glass bulat fisher 6 pack
Glove sensi 2 pack
Masker sensi 1 pack
Medical regulator yazumi 1 set
Syringe 3 box
Mesin tik sumbangan alumni 1
Mikropipet biohit 10 mikrolite 1
Auxilary clip magnifier erm1

Photos of the learning activities at general biology laboratory

Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 4
Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 3
Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 2
Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 5
Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 6
Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 1
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Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 5
Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 6
Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi Umum 1
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