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Plant Structure and Development Educational Laboratory located in Hasjim Asjarie Building, 8th Floor, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta is a laboratory used to support compulsory course and elective courses practical activities available in the curriculum of the Department of Biology, FMIPA UNJ. The plant structure and development educational laboratory is designed with a flexible framework concept, accommodating a more dynamic student work group.

The practicum of plant structure and development generally consisting of observation of plant cell, plant cell wall and protoplast, non-protoplasmic ergastic material, meristematic tissue, protective tissue, ground and supporting tissue, vascular tissue, secretory, root organ, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. The practicum of plant structure and development is not limited to morphological observation, but deeper to anatomy, so that we can apply skills of using a microscope to students. Courses that use this laboratory include bryology, phycology, orchidology, and plant microtechnics that require students to have advanced skills in observing using a microscope. The capacity for this laboratory is up to 40 students. The capacity for this laboratory is up to 40 students.

The equipment available in this laboratory includes compound microscopes, incubator, and glassware that supports practical activities. The laboratory has 2 long workbenches, 1 instructor desk, 1 table to keep specimens or observation objects.

Plant Structure and Development Educational Laboratory is used for courses:

  1. Plant Structure and Development (Compulsory course)
  2. Bryology (Elective course)
  3. Phycology (Elective Course)
  4. Orchidology (Elective course)
  5. Plant microtechnics (Elective Course)
Nama AlatSpesifikasiJumlah
Lemari esSanyo1
Vacuum pumps & CompressorsGast (D0A-P104-BN)1
Triangle Biomedical Sciences (TBS)Durham, N. C1

Documentation of Activities in the Laboratory

Documentation of Activities in the Field