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UNJ Chemistry Students Win Silver Medal and National Favorite Posters

UNJ Chemistry students won an award silver medal and favorite poster in the sub-theme of Agriculture in the poster category presentation in the 2023 National Level Essay Competition (LETIN) which was held on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at Triatma Mulya University, Bali. The competition was attended by a team of 5 people, namely Rinda Mulmeyda (Chemistry 2021), Amarisa Nur Affifah (Chemistry 2022), Bella Pricillya Nababan (Chemistry 2022), Nabila Salsabil Ananti (Mathematics Education 2021), and Putri Rachamn Fastya (Physics Education). The competition period lasts for 3 months from registration in April 2023 and the peak of the poster presentation is in June 2023. silver medal and favorite poster pada subtema Pertanian kategori poster presentation dalam kegiatan Lomba Esai Tingkat Nasional (LETIN) 2023 yang diadakan pada Sabtu, 3 Juni 2023 di Universitas Triatma Mulya, Bali. Lomba diikuti oleh tim yang terdiri dari 5 orang, yaitu Rinda Mulmeyda (Kimia 2021), Amarisa Nur Affifah (Kimia 2022), Bella Pricillya Nababan (Kimia 2022), Nabila Salsabil Ananti (Pendidikan Matematika 2021), dan Putri Rachman Fastya (Pendidikan Fisika). Masa perlombaan ini berlangsung selama 3 bulan sejak pendaftaran pada bulan April 2023 dan puncaknya presentasi poster pada Juni 2023.

"Before participating in the competition, we listened to the topics given by the lecturers in class, applied them to explore ideas so that an innovation was created for our poster topic," said Rinda (one of the participants in the LETIN 2023 competition team).

Through this competition, they learn to understand information and create innovative ideas. They also gain a lot of experience and learn to manage time between academics and competitions. they hope, many other students were inspired to excel in the field academic and nonacademic so that Jakarta State University can achieve nationally and internationally.

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