
November 17, 2022

International Earth Day

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hello, Chemists!
AAHI is back again, does anyone know what's going on today?

Come on, check out the following info!
Earth Day Commemoriation

Every April 22nd is commemorated as International Earth Day. Earth day started as environmental movement in the year of 1970. In 1969, Gaylord Nelson lead the modern environmental movement and develop statement about Earth Day. This movement inspired by anti-militaristic Vietnamese student in United States of America Campus. Nelson want to apply the spirit to awaken the public about air and water pollution.

Earth day can be a reminder to earth resident to stop doing damage and start move to preserve the earth, our living planet. Let's keep and take care our planet!

Want to know other unique facts about Earth Day? Let's check the information in the picture above!😉✨


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