
November 18, 2022


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Chemist !

Tamia is back with a title
The Law of Fidyah and Qadha Fasting of Ramadan

Hello friends, doesn't felt that Ramadhan holy month have left us all. For muslim, we should know what it is in the teachings of Islam. One of them is to obliged to replace fasting, when we're not fasting during Ramadhan month.

Are you guys already know about Fidyah and Ramadhan Qadha Fasting?
Here's the explanation about Fidyah and Ramdhan Qadha Fasting.

Qadha fasting or replaced fasting is fasting that done in lieu of obligatory fasting that we left during Ramadhan month. This is according to the word of Allah SWT in surah Al Baqarah verse 184 that explain about the obligation to do Fidyah and Ramadhan Qadha Fasting.

Whereas, Fidyah in language is ransom. According to the terms of the Shari'a is fines to be paid because leaving the obligation or do prohibition.
Category of people who pay Fidyah

  1. Old parents
  2. Seriously ill people
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding woman
  4. Dead people
  5. People who ended Qadha

Hope all of us can be reunited with the next Ramadhan holy month and always increase our faith

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