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The animal development structure laboratory is facilitated by equipment that supports research in the field of animal developmental from the organ, tissue, cell and molecular levels. This laboratory is equipped with a rotary microtome for making histological incisions, staining jars, hot plates, water baths, freezer -20°C. At the molecular level, 1D protein electrophoresis and DNA electrophoresis are available. The animal development structure laboratory also provides simple cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests with specific stains.

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan di laboratoriun Struktur Perkembangan Hewan adalah

  1. Penelitian Genotoxic Effect of Haemolymph using MUMNcyt assay And Heavy Metal Concentration Lead-Cadmium in Tissue of Green Mussels
  2. Penelitian Histologis Gonad Kerang Hijau (Perna viridis) sebagai Bioindikator Pencemaran di Pantai Utara Jawa  Akibat Bioakumulasi Hg, Cd dan Pb
  3. Efek Protektif Resveratrol Terhadap Toksisitas Hepatorenal, Apoptosis dan in vivo Micronucleus Assay Sel Bone Marrow Pada Model Mencit yang Diinduksi AlCl3
  4. Effect of aluminum chloride against changes of the histological structure of the cerebral cortex of mice (swiss webster).

Penelitian Genotoxicity of Al in Catfish, and golden fish Using In vivo Micronucleus Assay: Potential Risks to Human Health

Nama AlatSpesifikasiJumlah
MikroskopOlympus CX231
Slide warmerADAMAS1
Rotary microtom (Mikrotom putar)Microm1
Mikrotom pemanasMicrom1
Mikrotom pembuat preparatMicrom1
Lemari esLG (Expresscool)1
Lemari esSamsung1
MicrowaveSamsung (MG23K3505AK)1

Foto Penelitian Struktur dan Perkembangan Hewan