The Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology Laboratory is located on the 8th floor of the Hasjim Asjarie Building, FMIPA – Campus A, State University of Jakarta, and is a laboratory used to support research activities for students and lecturers. Research activities that can be carried out in this laboratory include basic research or applied research related to the fields of plant physiology and molecular biology. Several studies that can be carried out in this laboratory include the process of measuring and physiology engineering in plants, as well as testing parameters and detecting genetic markers in plants.
Topics of research conducted by students and lecturers in the Biology Study Program utilizing the Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology Laboratory include:
- Analysis of DNA markers in candidate swamp rice that is resistant to iron stress, using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) methods. This research was motivated by the existence of several variants/lines of rice that were able to survive in swampy areas, or areas that had high levels of iron. The ability of the rice variants/lines were analyzed through physiological and molecular biology approaches. There are candidate genes that regulate the ability of iron tolerance in rice. It is hoped that this research will be able to produce genetic markers to detect and select rice variants/lines that can be cultivated in swamps or lands that have relatively high iron content.
- Analysis of DNA markers on banana uli Medan, using the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. The background of this research is that there are different variants of uli bananas in Medan, North Sumatra, which are different from uli bananas in Java, especially in DKI Jakarta and West Java Provinces. Uli bananas in the Medan region have more bananas and bunches than Uli bananas in other regions. This has the potential to be cultivated further, considering the large benefits that can be obtained from banana trees with fruit characteristics such as the Medan Uli banana tree.
This laboratory has equipment that can be used to support research in the fields of plant physiology and molecular biology, such as centrifugation machines, vortex machines, ovens, waterbath incubators, freezer, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machines, electrophoresis apparatus, and UV-transilluminators.
Nama Alat | Spesifikasi | Jumlah |
PCR | Takara | 1 |
Lemari es | Sanyo SR-N21H | 1 |
Hotplate Stirrer | Favorit (HS 0707 V2) | 1 |
Lemari es | Sharp | 1 |
Sentrifuge | Hitachi (CF16RX II) | 1 |
Sterilisator (kering) | Fortune | 1 |
Culture Inkubator | Sybron | 1 |
Mikrosentrifuge | Hitachi | 1 |
Mikrosentrifuge | Resolutionary Science | 1 |
Microwave oven | Panasonic | 1 |
Furnace | Ney (M-525 Series II) | 1 |
Water bath | GFL | 1 |
Water bath | EDVOTEK | 1 |
Biological Safety Cabinet | NuAire (5434E21S UV Light) | 1 |
Fume Hood | Robust (FHP-125) | 1 |
Vortex | Maxi mix II | 1 |
Elektroforesis Chamber | SAS MX (Helena Laboratories) | 1 |
Mini Protean | Bio Rad | 1 |
Mini Protean | Ward's Natural Science | 2 |