Biology Joint Study Program Student Leadership Training 2022

As an effort to form young generation cadres as well as train and foster managerial and leadership skills for the management of OPMAWA (Student Government Organization) in the Biology Cluster, the Biology Study Program Student Executive Board (BEMP) and Biology Education held Student Leadership Training Joint Study Program (PKMPB) Biology 2022.

PKMPB Biology is an orientation activity for students to improve their ability to apply the basics of leadership and prepare students to actively participate in joining the Student Government Organization (OPMAWA) within the FMIPA UNJ Biology Cluster. This year’s Biology PKMPB activities were carried out in a hybrid manner with online activities through Zoom Meetings and offline at the KH. Hasyim Asy’arie and the UNJ RA Kartini Building. The PKMPB Biology 2022 activity was attended by approximately 160 semester 1 and 3 students in the Biology and Biology Education Study Program FMIPA UNJ.

There are 3 series, namely series 1 on November 5, 2022, series 2 on November 19, 2022, and series 3 on November 27, 2022. In 2022 PKMPB Biology takes the theme “Rebuilding the Spirit of Young Leaders with 4C Characters“, which participants are expected to increase creativity, critical thinking, and become communicative and collaborative leaders.

There are 5 materials presented at PKMPB Biology 2022. The first material is Public Speaking delivered by Dinda Rosyidah which outlines skills in speaking to a group of people in which an interaction occurs between the communicator and the communicant. The second material is the Election Mechanism delivered by Hani Nur’aini, which in the UNJ election is interpreted as a means of succession to UNJ OPMAWA which is carried out at the end of the OPMAWA management at a predetermined time and place in accordance with the UNJ election guidelines and the means of implementing UNJ student sovereignty. The third material is Meeting Mechanisms, which was presented by Rosmalida Widianti, which is a skill that an organizer must have because a meeting is a normal forum within an organization that is used to discuss certain issues in an effort to make a decision, which will become a decision.

The fourth material is the Student Movement delivered by Arif Satrio Pamungkas who explained that as BEM/LLM members we must have a critical attitude towards policies or regulations that make it difficult for students.

The fifth material is Kapita Selekta BEM and LLM delivered by Muhamad Raihan Maulidan and Khalisdia Falah Baldimaron for Kapita Selekta BEM and Salma Nur Rabbani and Lutfi Permana for Kapita Selekta LLM. It can be said that the 2022 Biology PKMPB participants were quite enthusiastic, this can be seen from the participants who have been responsible for the tasks given by the committee. Apart from that, in each question and answer session with speakers the participants actively asked questions and also presented arguments.

Through this activity it is hoped that there will be additional insight in thinking, and behaving. Nowadays being a leader is very difficult, because leaders are required to be able to unite differences and also be able to unite all of their members in an organization. The success of an organization is determined by leaders who are able to invite the organization to achieve clear goals.


© Department of Information and Communication BEMP Biology FMIPA UNJ 2022