Teaching Practitioner on Campus

Teaching Practitioner on Campus

A way in implementing “Program Kampus Merdeka” in Higher Education, the Biology Department of FMIPA UNJ designed several work programs, including events that presented practitioners from various fields to provide additional materials integrated with courses. At the first event, we initially presents a practitioner from a leading research institution in Indonesia to share knowledge and of course expertise in the field of research related to ecological and limnology studies. Information and experiences on the assessment of aquatic environmental health using macroavertebrate benthic organisms as indicators was shared at the Basic Ecology lecture in semester 116. Mr. Dr. Jojok Sudarso, M.Si from the Center for Limnology and Water Resources Research-BRIN is a researcher who studies benthos to examine the level of environmental pollution in a water. The information presented is also very interesting which opens student’s insights about future working environment and also upgrades students with new skills related to environmental bioindicators