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Bachelor of Mathematics Study Program
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Bachelor of Mathematics Study Program

The Mathematics Study Program is one of the study programs in the Mathematics Cluster, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA), State University of Jakarta. The other study programs in the Mathematics Cluster are the Mathematics Education Undergraduate Study Program, the Mathematics Education Masters Study Program, the Statistics Study Program, and the Computer Science Study Program.

The Mathematics Study Program was established based on Establishment Decree Number 1059/D/T/2002 dated 29 May 2002. The Mathematics Study Program aims to produce scientists and professionals in the field of mathematics and its applications, as well as implementing the tri dharma of higher education in a complete manner. To date, the Study Program has graduated many students and is spread throughout Indonesia or even abroad.

Coordinator of Bachelor of Mathematics Study Program

Dr. Yudi Mahatma, M.Si.

Dr. Yudi Mahatma, M.Si. was born in Jakarta, 20th October 1976.
He completed his bachelor, master, and doctoral degree at Mathematics Study Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

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