Community Service Activities on Tidung Island, the Thousand Island, July 2023

All lecturers at the FMIPA UNJ Mathematics Cluster simultaneously carried out Community Service Activities on Tidung Island, Seribu Islands, DKI Jakarta Province on 22-24 July 2023. This activity is the result of collaboration between Jakarta State University and the Seribu Islands Administrative Regency Education Department, DKI Province. Jakarta.

This Community Service activity was carried out at SMK Negeri 61 Jakarta, the only vocational high school in the Seribu Islands. This activity started on Saturday (22/07/23) and was officially opened by the Principal of SMK N 61 DKI Jakarta, Mr. Heru Puspito, S, Pd. In his speech he expressed his happiness as host and at the same time appreciated this activity as a means to advance the quality of education on Tidung Island. He also added that this activity should be held continuously so that it has a significant impact.

The activity was carried out for two days, where this activity did not only target elementary school students, elementary, junior high school and vocational school teachers, but also involved the general public around Tidung Island, with details of 25 elementary school students, 25 elementary school teachers, 10 junior high school teachers, 15 vocational school teachers. , and 25 community members. The participants were provided with materials focused on developing skills based on mathematics and technology. Students were also involved in helping with this activity. This activity ran smoothly and the participants looked happy and enthusiastic during the activity.

The following is the video of community service activites on 2023.


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