Course Description

Differential Calculus
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the concept of differential calculus of one and two variable functions and be skilled at applying it to various problems. This course includes: Real Number System; Functions of one variable: special functions, limits and continuity, derivatives, use of derivatives; Theorem of L'Hopital; Functions of two variables: limits and continuity, partial derivatives, directed derivatives, total differentials and use of derivatives.

Integral Calculus
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Differential Calculus) This course aims to make students understand the concepts of integrals, double integrals, triple integrals and their applications. This course includes: Integral theory (indefinite integral); integration technique; definite integral; fundamental theorem of calculus; improper integral; definite integral use; double integral; triple integrals and applications of double and triple integrals.

Multiple Variable Calculus
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Integral Calculus) This course aims to make students understand the concepts of sequences and series, vectors and vector calculus and apply the knowledge learned to related problems. This subject includes: Sequences and series; convergence test; power series; convergence area; Taylor and Maclaurin series; vector function (vector field); limits; continuity, differential and integral vector functions; scalar fields; gradients and directed derivatives of scalar fields; divergence and curl of vector fields; line integrals; Green's theorem; surface integral; Gauss Divergence theorem and Stokes theorem.

Elementary Differential Equations
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the concept of differential calculus of one and two variable functions and be skilled at applying it to various problems. This course includes: Real Number System; Functions of one variable: special functions, limits and continuity, derivatives, use of derivatives; Theorem of L'Hopital; Functions of two variables: limits and continuity, partial derivatives, directed derivatives, total differentials and use of derivatives.

Advanced Differential Equation
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Elementary Differential Equations) This course aims to make students understand the differential equations with initial values, how to solve them and be able to apply them to real problems. This course includes: Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform; Laplace transform application to solve PD with initial value; Rank Rank; Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations, Cauchy-Euler Equations, Frobenius Method.

Numerical Method
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the use of numerical methods on non-linear root causes, systems of linear equations, interpolation, curve matching, integration and ordinary differential equations. This course includes: determination of errors in numerical calculations, floating point numbers, binary numbers, determining roots linear exchange problems using open and closed methods, solving systems of linear equations, determining Lagrange interpolation and Newton's divisible differences, matching curves, calculating integration and ordinary differential equations. Presentation of this course is given through face-to-face and practicum.

Complex Variable Functions
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the nature of complex numbers, complex functions, the concept of continuity limits, derivatives and integrals of complex functions and series of complex numbers. This course includes: Algebra of complex numbers; complex function; Limits and Continuity, Derivatives, Elementary Functions, Complex Integrals and complex number series.

Linear Algebra
(3 C U)

This course aims to enable students to utilize matrix operations and elementary row operations to solve systems of linear equations and understand the meaning and properties of Euclidean R spaces. This course includes: SST: Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous, Gauss Elimination, Gauss-Jordan; Matrix: Operations, Inverses, Rank, Elementary Matrix, and Determinants Vector Space: Understanding, Vectors in R2 and R3, Euclidean Rn Space, Bases and Dimensions, Inner Multiplication Space, Gram-Schmidt Process Linear Transformation: Kernel & Range, Matrix Transformation, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Diagonalization.

Number Theory
(2 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the properties of integers, basic algorithms, arithmetic and be able to use them in algebra and recognize the concept of congruence as the basis for the basic concepts of groups, rings and fields. This course includes: Number System; mathematical induction; T Binomial; division; GCF; LCM; Euclidean Algorithm; Diophantine equation; Num. prime; Congruence; Congruent Applications; Linear Congruence; T Fermat; T Euler; T Wilson.

Abstract Algebra
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Number Theory & Linear Algebra) This course aims to enable students to understand algebraic operations and related structures so that they can be used for logical thinking. This course includes: set theory, mapping and integers. Groups and their properties, subgroups and their types, homomorphisms and automorphisms in groups, Cayley's theorem, permutation groups, inner product and finite Abelian groups. Ring definitions and examples, classes of ring homomorphisms, ideal and ring quotient, fields of quotient of integral domains, Euclidean rings, rings and special Euclidean rings.

Euclid Geometry
(2 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the method of constructing a Euclidean geometry by using definitions, axioms, postulates and propositions as a basis for logical reasoning. This course includes: Definition of Base; Definition; Deductive Reasoning; Postulates and Propositions; Two-column proof; friendship; Congruent Polygons; Cognition Analysis; Special Triangle; Circle; Perpendicularity and spacing; Indirect Evidence; Alignment; Parallelogram; Polygon Corners; Congruent Triangle; Right triangle; Ratios and Propositions.

Space Geometry
(2 C U)

This course aims to make students have knowledge and understanding of the concept of spatial geometry and its axiomatic system, the relations between its elements and spatial shapes. This course includes: Relationships between lines and lines: Intersect, Parallel, Cross, and Angles that Occur; The relationship between the line and the plane: on the plane, intersects the plane, parallel to the plane, perpendicular to the plane/break point, the angle that occurs; Plane to Plane Relationships: Parallel, Perpendicular and Intersecting; Distance: between a point and a line, two lines are parallel, two lines intersect; Polygonal planes and regular polyplanes: Prisms, cubes, pyramids, quadrilaterals, cylinders, cones, spheres, prismoids, truncated prisms, truncated pyramids, truncated cone; Slice of field to field of many; multifield nets; Wide; Volume; Volume applications in many fields.

Analytical Geometry
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Linear Algebra) This course aims to make students understand the properties of quadratic curves, the position of two lines, line to plane, plane to plane and conic sections. This course includes: Lines in R2, fields and lines in R3, Conic sections: circles, parabolas, ellipses, hyperbolas; quadratic equations; tube, ball.

Transformation Geometry
(3 C U)

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of geometric concepts from the point of view of transformation groups, while group concepts are shown through operations on transformations of geometric shapes in a plane. This course includes: Function: Definition, types, composition and transformation; Isometric Transformation: Definition, collineation, Involution, reflection, half-turn, translation and rotation; The product of several isometrics: two reflections, two half-turns, two translations and two rotations; A single isometry identical to the product of: two reflections, two half-turns, two translations and two rotations; Glide Reflection: the product of translation and reflection, the product of reflection and rotation; Transformation Groups: Properties of Groups, abel groups, symmetry groups and caylay diagrams; Similarity: Definition, dilation.

Real Analysis I
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Integral Calculus) This course aims to make students understand concepts and theorems about sets, the real number system, functions, and sequences. This course includes: Sets, functions, real number systems: algebraic properties, sequence properties, completeness properties and sequences of real numbers.

Real Analysis II
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Real Analysis I) This course aims to make students understand the concept of limits of functions, continuity of functions and derivatives of functions and related theorems. This course includes: limits of functions, continuous functions, uniformly continuous, derivatives, the average value theorem and Taylor's theorem.

Transformation Geometry
(2 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the meaning of language, principles of logic and sets and be able to develop thinking deductions and express their thoughts mathematically. This course includes: Statements and their structure; Arguments and Quantor; Algebra of Logic; Assemblies and their Operations; Set Algebra; Relationships and the Nature of Relationships.

Basic of Statistics
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the basic concepts of statistics, interpret data both descriptively and inferentially and apply them in everyday life. This course includes: Summarizing data, the basics of probability, random variables, hypothesis testing, simple linear regression, correlation, One Way Analysis of Variance. Presentation of this course is given through face-to-face and practicum.

Mathematical Statistics I
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Basic Statistics) This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of probability concepts and theorems and to provide the skills to choose the correct probability concept/theorem to solve problems related to probability. This course includes: Combinatorial Analysis; Opportunity Theory; Distribution Functions of Discrete and Continuous Random Variables; Expected Value; Random Variable Moment; Chebyshef's theorem; Distribution Function of Multiple Random Variables: Expected Value; Mixed Moment; Moment Generating Function; Various Distributions of Random Variables; Distribution of Random Variable Functions; Statistical Distribution of Orders; Convergence in Statistics; Central Limit Theorem.

Mathematical Statistics II
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Mathematical Statistics I) This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the random variable limit theorem and its use in inference techniques, point and interval estimation of population parameters, and hypothesis testing. This course includes: Sufficient Statistics; Factorization Theorem; Parameter Estimation Method; Estimator Evaluation Method; Hypothesis test; Test Statistical Derivation Method; Evaluation of the Test; Interval Estimation Method; Evaluation of the Estimator Range.

Discrete Mathematics
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students familiar with some of the mathematical concepts and objects used in computer science. This course includes: Generating Functions: Power Series, Generating Functions for Combinations and Permutations; Recursive Relations: Linear and Linear Homogeneous with Constant Coefficients, Solving Recursive Relations with Generating Functions, Derangements; Principle of Inclusion/Exclusion; Graph Theory; Boolean Algebra.

Linear Program
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Linear Algebra) This course aims to enable students to formulate standard decision-making problems from linear model optimization problems and be able to solve them using available software. This course includes: Linear Programming Models: Simple, Mixed, Transport/Transformation, Assignment; Completion of Linear Programming: Methods of Probe Lines, Graphs, Simplex; Duality: Dual Relations, Postulates; Transformation: NWC Method, Least Cost, Vobel; Integer Programming. Presentation of this course is given through face-to-face and practicum.

Programming Algorithm
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the basics of algorithms and provide knowledge about designing and creating simple programs. This course includes: Introduction to computers and programming; troubleshooting and programming; processing of high-level language programs; algorithm representation; examples of efficient algorithms; flow chart. Presentation of this course is given through face-to-face and practicum.

Introduction to Computer Animation
(3 C U)

This course aims for students to have knowledge and understanding in making animations using computer applications. This course discusses the representation of digital images, the basics of making digital images (creating basic objects, creating advanced objects), the basics of animation, simple computer animation techniques such as tween (motion and shape) and frames. -by-frame, insertion of multimedia data (audio video), programming in making high-level animations, interaction mechanisms between humans and computers. Presentation of this course is given through face-to-face and practicum.

ICT Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students have the ability to create, analyze and use mathematics learning software and apply it in learning mathematics. This course includes: knowledge of information technology in mathematics learning and introduction to learning media in the form of mathematics learning software. Presentation of this course is given through face-to-face and practicum.

English for Mathematics I
(2 C U)

This course aims: Students can use English properly and correctly in the field of mathematics. This course includes: Recognizing and understanding mathematical terms in English. Correctly pronounce mathematical terms in English. Write down mathematical terms in English. Hear / listen to mathematical terms in English. Explain mathematical terms in English.

English for Mathematics II
(2 C U)

This course aims: So that students are able to understand texts, write simple English articles related to the subject of mathematics, and be able to present them using English. This course includes: comprehensive understanding of English texts through understanding problem solving texts and scientific articles. Rewriting ideas related to the subject of mathematics in the form of extracts from readings and expressing them in the form of presentations in English.

Research Methodology
(2 C U)

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of research methods. This course includes: Types of research; expand the problem area: Observation, Identification of problems; Formulation of the problem; theoretical framework; Hypothesis submission; Sampling technique; Arrange Instruments; Test Statistical Analysis; Making proposals; Report presentation: written and oral).

Mathematics Seminar
(2 C U)

This course aims to enable students to be able to discuss a mathematical topic independently as a carrier and deepen lecture material and write it in the form of papers that are presented in seminars. This course includes: Theoretical studies of mathematics topics or mathematics education.

Capita Selecta of Mathematics
(3 C U)

This course aims to allow students to examine essential topics in high school mathematics. This course includes: the field of geometric studies, the field of algebraic studies and the field of applied mathematics studies.

Mathematics Workshop
(2 C U)

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of designing, manufacturing and using mathematical teaching aids in the form of hardware or software. This course includes: designing, manufacturing and using hardware or software mathematical teaching aids. Presentation of this course is given through face-to-face and practicum.

Pre-Undergraduate Thesis Seminar
(2 C U)

This course aims to enable students to make research proposals correctly. This course includes: Preparing research proposals and conducting open research proposal seminars.

Undergraduate Thesis
(4 C U)

This course aims to enable students to conduct research in the field of mathematics education. This course includes: developing research tools, conducting research, analyzing research data, preparing reports and accountability for research results.

(3 C U)

This course aims to enable students to take advantage of the concept of entrepreneurship, human resources, creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship in developing an entrepreneurial spirit and preparing business plans. This course covers: The definition and concept of entrepreneurship, the development of entrepreneurship in Indonesia, the characteristics and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, self-analysis, creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship, business opportunities, determining the type and field of business, forms of business ownership, strategies for starting a business, human resources dal entrepreneurial organization and develop business plans.

History of Mathematics
(2 C U)

This course aims to make students understand the development of number symbols and counting as well as the understanding of new mathematics and current understanding of mathematics This course covers: arithmetic: in ancient times, before and after Zeno's paradox, after the creation of the number zero, in old Europe and the era of revival Science; numbers and their symbols as well as new mathematical understandings and various contemporary mathematical understandings.

Painting Geometry
(2 C U)

(Prerequisite: Euclidean Geometry and Spatial Geometry) This course aims to make students understand the projection of points, lines, planes and regular planes in the projection plane. This course includes: Projection of points and lines; third projection plane and point coordinates, plane plane; points, lines and planes; new third projection field; multi-order field.

Regression Analysis
(3 C U)

This course aims to enable students to use regression analysis as a quantitative analysis method needed to study real problems and make decisions about these problems. This course includes: simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, analysis of residuals, selection of the best regression model, violation of regression assumptions, and dummy variables.

Practice of Teaching Skills
(2 C U)

This course aims to allow students to gain initial experience as prospective teachers in implementing academic mastery in education and academic areas of expertise, through guided teaching by tutor teachers and supervisors. This course includes: planning and carrying out learning with the inherent guidance of teachers and supervising lecturers, with the aim of experiencing the learning process firsthand, strengthening educator identity, carrying out student assistance tasks and extra-curricular activities.

Planning, Management, and Evaluation of Teaching (PPEP)
(3 C U)

(Prerequisite: Learning and Learning Theory) This course aims to make students have an understanding of planning, managing learning, and evaluating learning mathematics. This course includes: Learning planning includes understanding, objectives, learning planning models, content standards, KTSP and syllabus, lesson plans and scenarios. Learning management includes understanding, objectives, class management and student grouping. Evaluation of learning includes understanding. objectives, evaluation of learning outcomes, types and forms of assessment of learning outcomes and practice analysis of testing math test questions at school.

Experimental Design
(3 C U)

This course aims to allow students to explore data through experimental design and at the same time be able to solve the problem. This course covers: experimental design principles, experimental design classification, one-factor experiments, two-factor experiments, comparison of treatment means and assumptions of analysis of variance.

Nonparametric Statistics
(3 C U)

This course aims to make students understand non-parametric statistical techniques and be able to apply them correctly in analyzing experimental data. This course covers: Basic aspects of probability theory and hypothesis testing, tests for one sample, tests for two samples are mutually independent or dependent, test for k samples are independent or independent, nonparametric correlation coefficient, nonparametric regression.

Operation Reset Technique
(3 C U)

This course aims to enable students to use their mathematical knowledge to solve real problems. This course includes: Sensitivity analysis, project management, dynamic programming, non-linear programming, Metaheuristics, Decision analysis, Inventory Theory and Markov decision processes.

Learning on Mathematics for Elementary School
(2 C U)

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of learning mathematics at the elementary school level. This course includes: Understanding the Elementary Mathematics Curriculum, characteristics of students' cognitive abilities at the elementary age stage and how elementary students learn mathematics, learning essential mathematics materials: Introduction to initial numbers, adding numbers up to 20, multiplication of initial numbers, initial division, introduction to concepts fractions, operations on fractions, operations on numbers over 20, introduction to the concept of plane shapes, geometric shapes, initial statistics, and elementary mathematics problem solving.

Learning on Mathematics for Junior High School
(2 C U)

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the mathematics education curriculum in junior high schools. This course discusses graduate competency standards, content standards and mathematics material at the junior high school level, recognizes the characteristics of cognitive abilities of students at the junior high school age stage and learning mathematics in junior high schools within the framework of International Standard Schools, this course also discusses the appropriate application of mathematics learning at the junior high school level.

Learning on Mathematics for Senior High School
(2 C U)

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of learning mathematics at the high school/vocational school level. This course discusses graduate competency standards, content standards, process standards, assessment standards, and recognizes the characteristics of cognitive abilities of students at the high school age stage and high school/vocational high school mathematics material as well as learning mathematics in high schools/vocational schools that carry out International Standard Schools.

(2 C U)

(Prerequisite: PPEP) This course aims to equip students with basic teaching competencies including personal competence, social competence, professional competence, pedagogical competence, introduction to various types of skills in teaching which include skills in opening and closing lessons, explaining skills, basic questioning skills and advanced, skills in giving reinforcement, skills in conducting/using variations, small group discussion skills, classroom management skills, and small group and individual teaching skills. Basic teaching skills practice training through peer teaching and micro teaching.

(1 C U)

This course aims to foster sports values โ€‹โ€‹(Olympicism) in an integrated and consistent manner. This course includes: Introduction to the philosophy and values โ€‹โ€‹of sport (Olympism), a combination of physical and spiritual balance, harmonization of the relationship between sports life, culture and education, harmony of life based on happiness and noble endeavors, respect for the principles universal ethics.

The Philosophy of Science
(2 C U)

This course aims to enable students to understand Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mathematics, and Philosophy of Natural Sciences. This course covers: The essence of philosophical thought, tautology, omtology, epistemology, and axiology, science and culture, science and language, scientific writing philosophy of mathematics: human thought, thinking and principles of science, facts, beliefs, truths; methods in seeking knowledge and development of science, natural sciences and social sciences, mathematics and statistics, language functions, mathematics and logic, ethical relations and the philosophy of science.

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