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  1. Tri Murdiyanto, M.Si.
  2. Siti Rohmah Rohimah, S.Pd., M.Si.
  3. Wulansari
  4. M. Nurilman Baehaqi, S.Kom.

Year: 2021

Status: Intellectual Property Rights

Type: Fine Arts and Computer Programs

Rating: 5/5

The Kommika application (Mathematical Comics) is an android application that contains interactive comics as a medium for learning mathematics on the subject matter of algebraic forms with a contextual approach.

This Fine Arts and Computer Program was developed by a team consisting of:

  1. Tri Murdiyanto, M.Sc.
    Lecturer in Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNJ
  2. Siti Rohmah Rohimah, S.Pd., M.Si.
  3. Wulansari
    Students of the Mathematics Education Study Program, FMIPA UNJ
  4. M. Nurilman Baehaqi, S. Kom.
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