Achievement MSIB

Congratulations and Success

Congratulations and success to Muhammad Alif Bahri (1301617036) and Sheila Ikhwani (1301617018), Passing the Selection for Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB).

Muhammad Alif Bahri

Sheila Ikhwani

The Merdeka Campus Certified Internship is an accelerated, accelerated internship program with well-designed learning experiences.

Merdeka Campus Certified Independent Study is a classroom learning that is specifically designed and made based on the real challenges faced by partners/industry. This program can be in the form of short courses, bootcamps, massively open online courses (MOOC) and others.

In the internship process, students will:

  1. Given real problems that impact on company performance and work in groups;
  2. Be mentored by professional staff mentors on a full-time basis in a structured internship program;
  3. Minimum internship period of 18 weeks; and
  4. Students are awarded certification according to performance during the internship

Intern students will get various benefits:

  1. Experience working at IDUKA Partners for 1-2 full semesters in a company recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture;
  2. Pocket money and living expenses during the internship will be subsidized by the Ministry of Education and Culture; And
  3. Students receive a competency certificate from doaslot IDUKA Partners after completing the internship.

Independent Studies students will benefit from:

  1. Opportunity to carry out a certification program recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture for 1-2 full semesters;
  2. Participation costs and living expenses during independent studies are subsidized by the Ministry of Education and Culture; And
  3. Students receive a certificate if they pass the certification program or short course from IDUKA Partners.

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