CAREER 101 3.0

CAREER 101 3.0

CAREER 101 3.0  is one of the work programs of the Information and Communication Department of the Student Executive Board of the Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNJ. This activity is an event that aims so that the general public can prepare and build a good career in the future. This activity was carried out on July 23 and 30 2022. The types of activities that have been held are “Mentoring classesand “Webinars”. The following describes each activity.

  1. Mentoring classes

This year’s mentoring class carries the topic of interviews. In this activity, participants received material from a mentor about questions that are often asked by slot thailand companies when applying for a job. Next, participants will be given a number of questions regarding the interview and will then be assigned to make a video containing the answers to these questions. There will be two winners who are participants with the best answers and confidence. This activity was carried out with a mentor named Emmanuella Reika who is a Certified Professional Coach and Speaker for Self-Development and Career. 

  1. Webinar

Webinars are held a week after the mentoring class. This webinar discusses people’s careers as content creators in the world of education. In this webinar, participants can find out how to attract the attention of social media users by creating creative and useful content according to the ideas they have. Furthermore, there is a challenge to create content related to education (educational content). One participant who has the best content will be chosen as the winner. This activity was carried out with a speaker named Falya Aqiela Sekardina who is a content creator in the field of education. 

For more information, you can access via the link below.

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