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  1. Dr. Makmuri, M.Si.
  2. Dwi Antari Wijayanti, M.Pd.
  3. Rena Nur Fadillah

Year: 2021

Status: Intellectual Property Rights

Type: Computer Program

Rating 5/5

A Mobile Learning Media with the subject matter of straight line equations.

This learning media was developed by a team consisting of:

  1. Dr. Makmuri, M.Si.
    Lecturer of S1 Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNJ
  2. Dwi Antari Wijayanti, M.Pd.
    Lecturer of S1 Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNJ
  3. Rena Nur Fadillah
    Undergraduated Student of S1 Mathematics Education Study Program UNJ
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