The Department of Mathematics at Universitas Negeri Jakarta already existed at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) in the 70s when Universitas Negeri Jakarta (formerly IKIP Jakarta) was still part of the University of Indonesia. At that time, FMIPA was still called FKIE (Faculty of Exact Sciences Teaching Faculty). From the name of the faculty entitled “teachership”, it is clear that the existing departments are also related to education. In the Department of Mathematics, there is only Mathematics Education. Around the 80s, the name FMIPA underwent several name changes including from FKIE to FMPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), then from FMIPA to FPMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics Education in Natural Sciences). Along with the change of IKIP Jakarta to Jakarta State University in 1999, the name FPMIPA was changed to FMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) and started a study programs division system. One of the existing study programs is the Mathematics Education Study Program.

Subsequently, the name IKIP Jakarta changed to Jakarta State University (UNJ) on August 4 1999 and even at the end of 1999, the name FPMIPA changed to FMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) and started a study program distribution system (prodi). From now on, non-educational study programs developed at UNJ gradually. The Mathematics Study Program began to be developed in the 2001/2002 academic year, followed by the emergence of the Computer Systems Study Program (Siskom) in 2013. In 2016 the Siskom Study Program changed its name to the Computer Science Study Program (Ilkom). In 2017, it is planned to open a new Study Program, namely Statistics. Finally the plan was carried out in 2017 the Statistics Study Program was opened. Until 2022, the Mathematics Department has 4 study programs namely Mathematics Education, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics.

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