This survey was conducted on mathematics education students who had just finished their thesis in 2022. They were asked to take a web-based online survey of their bachelor’s thesis workload experience. This survey assesses their assessment in completing the thesis, the opportunity for other courses other than the thesis, the adequacy of the number of credits provided to complete the thesis, the timely completion strategy, experience in writing a thesis, the availability and number of thesis supervisor supplies, and obstacles in completing the thesis. To complete this survey, it will take about 15-30 minutes. Their responses remained anonymous.
The survey results show that students think that the load of 4 credits is proportional to the time spent completing the thesis. This is indicated by the majority of respondents (64,3%) based on the number of credit units given for the thesis. They also noted that they spent more than six hours a day working on their thesis (28,6%). Regarding the role of the thesis supervisor, it is very important that the thesis supervisor’s role is useful in the thesis completion process, for example in the time available to guide, formulate research ideas, collect research data, and write. in the form of a thesis and scientific article format. To complete their research projects in their theses, many of them use strategies such as making good time management and educating lecturers and peers. However, they also meet especially in completing research projects during the pandemic, such as in communication with lecturers, thesis supervisors, and resource persons.