Attitude (A) | A1 | Be obedient to God Almighty; uphold human, religious, moral, and ethical values; contribute to improve the quality of social life based on Pancasila; and understand himself as a whole as an educator as well as a lifelong learner; |
General Skills (G) | G1 | Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, innovative thinking and collaboration for the development or application of science and technology that is appropriate and applicable to society in accordance with the scientific field; |
G2 | Able to design and conduct scientific research through a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary approach to solve chemistry education issues and problems;a | |
Knowledge (K)
K1 | Able to analyze theoretical concepts, such as organic chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, as well as applications at high school and university levels; |
K2 | Able to apply pedagogical concepts (the theoretical education theory in classic or modern, are behaviouristic, cognitive humanistic, and constructivism) in learning chemistry; | |
Specific Skills (S)
S1 | Able to design and develop active, creative, effective, and fun chemistry learning using various approaches, strategies, methods, and media in accordance with student characteristics, subject matter, and learning objectives using TPACK approach; |
S2 | Able to develop and evaluate chemistry laboratory experiments for high school and university levels; | |
S3 | Able to write and communicate a scientific report based on the research data effectively and to publish in a reputable scientific journal. |