ALUMNI MEETING: The Role of Chemistry Teachers in Facing Future Educational Challenges
The Masters Program in Chemistry Education Universitas Negeri Jakarta held an alumni meeting on Thursday, May 6, 2021. The keynote speaker was Mrs. Nahdiana, M.Pd., as the Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, and moderated by Mr. Sudarto M. Abukasim, as an alumnus and a lecturer at the Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku. There were 86 participants, including lecturers, teachers, active students, and alumni. The theme of this alumni gathering is The Role of Chemistry Teachers in Facing Future Educational ChallengesThrough this activity, participants were facilitated to gain new insights and knowledge regarding the role of teachers in learning chemistry in the era of disruption.
The purpose of the alumni gathering is to serve as a forum for alumni to meet and discuss updating the Chemistry Education Masters curriculum to suit the needs of graduate users and the community. In order for the alumni meeting to run smoothly, the planning for this alumni meeting begins one month before the implementation of the activity. Program planning begins with the formation of a committee that will organize the activities. The committee began to map out the existence of graduates, identify strategic issues in chemistry education, and determine resource persons who can become role model for alumni. To have a bigger impact, the study program invited all alumni from the 2012 to 2019 classes, most of whom were lecturers, high school/vocational chemistry teachers, researchers, and the head of the education office. In addition, the study program spreads activity posters to alumni WhatsApp groups.
The alumni meeting began with remarks by Dr. Sukro Muhab, M.Si (as chairman of the alumni) and continued with the socialization of student admissions by Dr. Afrizal, M.Si. (as the study program coordinator). Then, the event continued with the delivery of a speech by Mrs. Nahdiana, M.Pd (as the head of the DKI Jakarta education office) and guided by Mr. Suharto M. Abdulkasim, M.Pd., M.T. (as moderator). The alumni gathering was followed by a sharing session from alumni who told about success stories, benefits obtained during college, as well as constructive suggestions on the study program curriculum for the advancement of the institution.
This event was held as an effort to strengthen the relationship between alumni and the extended family of the UNJ Chemistry Education Masters Program. In addition, this activity aims to collect information about the relevance and opportunities of graduates in the world of work. Through this alumni gathering, it is hoped that cooperation between alumni and study programs will be fostered in both academic and non-academic activities. Currently, the Chemistry Education Master’s Program is preparing for re-accreditation. Thus, the role of alumni is very much needed in providing advice and improving the learning process, preparing graduates for the world of work, building networks with graduate users, and the role of alumni in supporting the improvement of the curriculum of study programs to be better. Based on this urgency, this alumni meeting was held so that graduates could contribute to increasing the quality of study programs and university rankings.