Curriculum Vitae (Download) (Updated Version)
Identitas Diri
1 | Nama Lengkap (dan gelar) | Dr. Irwanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. |
2 | Jabatan Fungsional | Lektor, Penata Tk.I, III/d |
3 | NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya | 199201282020121012 |
4 | NIDN | 0028019203 |
5 | Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir | Lampung Timur, 28 Januari 1992 |
6 | Alamat Rumah | Jl. Kayu Manis, Kec. Matraman, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13130 |
7 | Nomor Telepon/Faks / HP | 082323169338 |
9 | Alamat Kantor | Gd. Hasjim Asjarie, Kampus A, FMIPA UNJ, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220, DKI Jakarta |
10 | Alamat E-mail | |
11 | Lulusan yang Telah Dihasilkan | S1 = 25; S2 =1; S3 = 0 |
12 | Mata Kuliah yang Diampu | 1. Kimia Dasar I (S1) |
2. Kimia Dasar II (S1) | ||
3. Praktikum Kimia Dasar (S1) | ||
4. Microteaching (S1) | ||
5. Telaah Kurikulum Kimia (S1) | ||
6. Seminar Pendidikan Kimia (S1) | ||
7. Kewirausahaan (S1) | ||
8. Praktik Keterampilan Mengajar (S1) | ||
9. Penilaian dan Evaluasi Pembelajaran (S1) | ||
10. Kimia Teknik (S1) | ||
11. Pengembangan Instrumen Pembelajaran (S1) | ||
12. Miskonsepsi dalam Pembelajaran Kimia (S2) | ||
13. Kajian Jurnal Internasional (S2) | ||
14. Orientasi Baru dalam Pendidikan (S2) | ||
15. Kolokium Pendidikan (S2) | ||
16. Big Data dan E-Learning (S3) |
Riwayat Pendidikan
S-1 | S-2 | S-3 |
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
Pendidikan Kimia | Pendidikan Kimia | Pendidikan Kimia |
2010 – 2014 | 2014 – 2016 | 2016 – 2019 |
Pengalaman Penelitian Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No. | Tahun | Judul Penelitian | Pendanaan | |
Sumber | Jumlah | |||
1 | 2023 | Pengembangan dan Implementasi Android Mobile Game “Go-Chemist!” untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar, Sikap Terhadap Kimia, dan Efikasi Diri Siswa SMA/MA di Jakarta dan Aceh | LPPM UNJ | 40,00 jt |
2 | 2022 | Mobile Game Base Learning Berbasis Teknologi Augmented Reality (MGBL-AR) Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi dan Numerasi | Kemendikbud-ristek | 435,65 jt |
3 | 2022 | Pengembangan dan Implementasi Android Mobile Game “Go-Chemist!” untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar, Sikap Terhadap Kimia, dan Efikasi Diri Siswa SMA/MA di Jakarta dan Aceh | LPPM UNJ | 40,00 jt |
4 | 2022 | Integrasi Pendekatan STEAM Dalam Pembelajaran Untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Abad Ke-21 | LPPM UNJ | 70,00 jt |
5 | 2022 | Integrasi Design Thinking dengan STEAM-PjBL pada Pembelajaran Kimia untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Critical Thinking Dan Computational Thinking Siswa | Kemendikbud-ristek | 25,80 jt |
6 | 2022 | Pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis ethnochemistry di UIN Mataram dan UNJ terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis, Kecintaan terhadap Budaya, dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Mahasiswa | Kolaborasi UNJ-UIN Mataram | 50,00 jt |
7 | 2022 | Evaluasi Manajemen Pembelajaran Kimia Melalui Model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) | FMIPA | 21,25 jt |
8 | 2021 | Peningkatan kemandirian belajar siswa di masa pandemi melalui penerapan self-regulated learning dalam pembelajaran kimia | LPPM UNJ | 50,00 jt |
9 | 2021 | Survei Profil Kompetensi Guru SD dan MI Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Lampung | Penelitian Penugasan (P-LPTK) | 150,00 jt |
10 | 2021 | Peningkatan kemandirian belajar siswa di masa pandemi melalui penerapan self-regulated learning dalam pembelajaran kimia | LPPM UNJ | 50,00 jt |
11 | 2019 | Pengembangan model REORCILEA untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, keterampilan proses sains, dan sikap ilmiah | DIKTI | 100,00 jt |
12 | 2018 | Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berorientasi etnokimia untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, keterampilan proses sains, dan sikap ilmiah | Hibah UNY | 20,00 jt |
13 | 2018 | Pengembangan model REORCILEA (Research-oriented collaborative inquiry learning) untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa program studi pendidikan kimia | LPDP | 26,50 jt |
14 | 2016 | Pengembangan instrumen integrated assessment untuk mengukur pencapaian aspek kognitif dan keterampilan proses sains kimia peserta didik SMA/MA | DIKTI | 100,00 jt |
Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No. | Tahun | Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Pendanaan | |
Sumber | Jumlah | |||
1 | 2023 | Empowerment of Migrant Workers in Taiwan through Augmented Reality-Integrated Website Design Training to Cultivate Interest in Digital Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Mindset | LPPM UNJ | 22,5 jt |
2 | 2022 | Pelatihan Penyusunan Soal Interaktif Menggunakan Platform E-Ujian Pada Proses Pembelajaran Daring Bagi Guru-guru SMP di Jakarta Timur | FMIPA UNJ | 7,5 jt |
3 | 2022 | Pelatihan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Bagi Guru Kimia di MGMP Jakarta Timur 1 | FMIPA UNJ | 7,5 jt |
4 | 2021 | Pelatihan Penyusunan Soal Interaktif Menggunakan Wondershare Quiz Creator Pada Proses Pembelajaran Daring Bagi Guru-guru SMP di Wilayah Kecamatan Tarumajaya Bekasi | FMIPA UNJ | 8,1 jt |
5 | 2021 | Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru IPA dalam Pengembangan Media Berbasis Rumahan di Masa Pandemi di Lingkungan Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Kota / Kabupaten Bogor | FMIPA UNJ | 7,7 jt |
Pengalaman Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No. | Judul Artikel Ilmiah | Volume / Nomor / Tahun | Nama Jurnal |
1 | The Impact of Using the “Go-Chemist!” App on Students’ Motivation to Learn Atomic Structure in Chemistry | 13, 2023 | International Journal of Information and Education Technology (Q3) |
2 | The Effect of Interface Instrumentation Experiments-supported Blended Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Academic Achievement | 17, 2023 | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (Q3) |
3 | Taking Design Thinking to Classroom: A Systematic Literature Review Over a Past Decade | 36(3), 17-27, 2023 | Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (Q3) |
4 | Research Trends and Applications of Gamification in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis Spanning 2013–2022 | 18(5), 19-41, 2023 | International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Q1) |
5 | Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis (2012-2022) | 13(2), 223-231, 2023 | International Journal of Information and Education Technology (Q3) |
6 | Global Trends on Mobile Learning in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis (2002–2022) | 13(2), 373-383, 2023 | International Journal of Information and Education Technology (Q3) |
7 | Improving Preservice Teachers’ Critical Thinking and Science Process Skills Using Research-Oriented Collaborative Inquiry Learning | 13(1), 23-35, 2023 | Journal of Technology and Science Education (Q2) |
8 | A survey to investigate pre-service teachers’ perceptions of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in Indonesia | 2569, 030019, 2023 | AIP Conference Proceedings (Q4) |
9 | Students’ digital literacy measurement | 2468, 050011, 2022 | AIP Conference Proceedings (Q4) |
10 | Using Android-Based E-Module to Improve Students’ Digital Literacy on Chemical Bonding | 16(22), 191–208, 2022 | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (Q3) |
11 | Improving Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers’ Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills Using Project-Based Learning | 14(5), 1291-1304, 2022 | World Journal on Educational Technology (Q3) |
12 | Improving Students’ Self-Regulation Using Online Self-Regulated Learning in Chemistry | 17(10), 1-12, 2022 | Journal of Sustainability Science and Management (Q3) |
13 | Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge-Based Training Program in Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge | 7:897447, 2022 | Frontiers in Education (Q2) |
14 | Trends of Augmented Reality Applications in Science Education: A Systematic Review from 2007 to 2022 | 17(13), 157-175, 2022 | International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Q1) |
15 | The Effect of Research-Oriented Collaborative Inquiry Learning on Preservice Teachers’ Science Process Skills and Scientific Attitudes | 12(2), 410-425, 2022 | Journal of Technology and Science Education (Q2) |
16 | Examining Perceptions of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Perspective from Indonesian Pre-service Teachers | 11(1), 142-154, 2022 | Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia (Q2) |
17 | Research Trends in STEM Education from 2011 to 2020: A Systematic Review of Publications in Selected Journals | 16(5), 19-32, 2022 | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (Q3) |
18 | Research Trends in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Systematic Literature Review from 2010 to 2021 | 10(4), 2045-2054, 2021 | European Journal of Educational Research (Q3) |
19 | The Role of Students’ Worldview on Decision-Making: An Indonesian Case Study by a Socio-Scientific Issue-Based Instruction Through Integrated STEM Education | 17(11), em2027, 2021 | Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Q2) |
20 | Socio-Scientific Issues as a Vehicle To Promote Soft Skills and Environmental Awareness | 10(1), 161-174, 2021 | European Journal of Educational Research (Q3) |
21 | Which is More Effective, A Mind Map or A Concept Map Learning Strategy? | 40(2), 520-531, 2021 | Cakrawala Pendidikan (Q3) |
22 | Research-oriented collaborative inquiry learning model: Improving students’ scientific attitudes in general chemistry | 19(1), 108-120, 2020 | Journal of Baltic Science Education (Q2) |
23 | Attitudes toward chemistry, self-efficacy, and learning experiences of pre-service chemistry teachers: Grade level and gender differences | 13(1), 235-254, 2020 | International Journal of Instruction (Q1) |
24 | The effect of local wisdom-based ELSII learning model on the problem-solving and communication skills of pre-service Islamic teachers | 13(1), 731-746, 2020 | International Journal of Instruction (Q1) |
25 | Exploring Indigenous Knowledge of the Concepts of Physics in the Northern Coast, Indonesia | 14(2), 1310-1330, 2020 | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (Q3) |
26 | Analyzing the relationships between pre-service chemistry teachers’ science process skills and critical thinking skills | 16(3), 299-313, 2019 | Journal of Turkish Science Education (Q2) |
27 | Developing an instrument to detect science misconception of an elementary school teacher | 12(3), 201-218, 2019 | International Journal of Instruction (Q1) |
28 | The misconception diagnosis on ionic and covalent bonds concepts with three-tier diagnostic test | 12(1), 1477-1488, 2019 | International Journal of Instruction (Q1) |
29 | The impact of problem-solving instruction on academic achievement and science process skills among prospective elementary teachers | 18(2), 496-507, 2019 | Elementary Education Online (Q3) |
30 | Using inquiry-based laboratory instruction to improve critical thinking and scientific process skills among preservice elementary teachers | 80, 151-170, 2019 | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (Q3) |
31 | Undergraduate students’ science process skills in terms of some variables: A perspective from Indonesia | 17(5), 751-764, 2018 | Journal of Baltic Science Education (Q2) |
32 | A survey analysis of pre-service chemistry teachers’ critical thinking skills | 8(2), 57-73, 2018 | MIER Journal of Educational Studies, Trends and Practices (WoS) |
33 | Promoting critical thinking and problem solving skills of preservice elementary teachers through process-oriented guided-inquiry learning(POGIL) | 11(4), 777-794, 2018 | International Journal of Instruction (Q1) |
34 | The investigation of university students’ science process skills and chemistry attitudes in the laboratory course. | 19(2), 7, 2018 | Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching (Q3) |
35 | The evaluation instrument of analytical thinking and science process skill in chemistry subject | 1(1), 100-110, 2017 | Jurnal Kependidikan |
36 | Penggunaan smartphone dalam pembelajaran kimia SMA | 2(1), 81-87, 2017 | Jurnal Holistik |
Pengalaman Penyampaian Makalah Secara Oral Pada Pertemuan / Seminar Ilmiah Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No. | Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah / Seminar | Judul Artikel | Waktu dan Tempat |
1 | The 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) | Integration of Design Thinking in STEAM-PjBL to develop Computational Thinking Skills of Students in Chemistry Learning | September 7th 2022, Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
2 | The 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) | Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on STEAM-based learning in the Last Decade | September 7th 2022, Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
3 | The 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) | Research Trends in Chemistry Education: A Bibliometric Review (1895–2022) | September 7th 2022, Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
4 | The 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) | Dilemma-STEAM Teaching Model for Students’ Engagement in 21st Century Learning | September 7th 2022, Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
5 | The 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) | “Go-Chemist!” App: Effect on Students’ Self-Efficacy Toward Chemistry and Technology | September 7th 2022, Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
6 | The 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) | Pre-service Teachers’ Engagement in the TPACK-based Training Program through Self-Reflections | September 7th 2022, Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
7 | The 3rd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) | Go-Chemist!: A Mobile App to Promote Students’ Achievement and Perceptions of Chemistry | September 7th 2022, Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
8 | International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) | Students digital literacy: A case study in the Bali Province, Indonesia | June 12th 2021, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
9 | Seminar Nasional Penelitian LPTK | Tren Global Penelitian Pendidikan STEM di Perguruan Tinggi: Sebuah Analisis Bibliometrik (2004–2022) | 2022, Universitas Negeri Makassar |
10 | International Conference on Mathematics, and Science Education (ICoMSE) | A Survey to Investigate Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge(TPACK) in Indonesia | August 4th 2021, Universitas Negeri Malang |
11 | International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE) | Learning science through mashed herbs | September 5th 2020, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta |
12 | International Seminar on Chemical Education | The characteristic of analytical thinking and science process skills (ATSPS) test for senior high school students | 2017, Universitas Islam Indonesia |
13 | International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation | Using virtual labs to enhance students’ thinking abilities, skills, and scientific attitudes | 2017, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
14 | International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Science | Students’ science process skill and analytical thinking ability in chemistry learning | 2017, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
15 | International Postgraduate Conference on Science And Mathematics (IPCSM) | The development of an integrated assessment instrument for measuring analytical thinking and science process skills. | 2016, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia |
16 | International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Science | Chemistry teachers’ ability in measuring analytical thinking and science process skills | 2016, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
17 | Seminar Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia | Peningkatan kompetensi calon pendidik kimia melalui item response theory: Strategi menghadapi masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN | 2016, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta |
18 | Graduate Forum | Peran google docs dalam konteks asynchronous problem-based e-learning(e-PBL) | 2016, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta |
19 | International Seminar on Science Education | Using integrated assessment to measure students’ analytical thinking and science process skills | 2016, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
Pengalaman Penulisan Buku dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No | Judul Buku | Tahun | Jumlah Halaman | Penerbit |
1 | Mobile Game-based Learning Terintegrasi Augmented Reality untuk Meningkatkan Literasi dan Numerasi [ISBN: 978-623-88272-8-2] | 2023 | 78 | CV. Topazart |
2 | Pembelajaran Kimia Terintegrasi Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality [ISBN: 978-623-92852-2-7] | 2023 | 72 | CV. Topazart |
3 | Pembelajaran Biologi Terintegrasi Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality [ISBN: 978-623-92852-1-0] | 2023 | 106 | CV. Topazart |
- Pengalaman Perolehan HKI Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
No | Judul / Tema HKI | Tahun | Jenis | Nomor P / ID |
1 | Aku Ingin Terbang | 2023 | Buku Panduan | EC00202313966 |
2 | Go-Chemist! App: Hidrokarbon | 2022 | Permainan Video | EC00202294504 |
3 | Go-Chemist! App: Struktur Atom | 2022 | Permainan Video | EC00202294510 |
4 | Go-Chemist! App: Sifat Koligatif | 2022 | Permainan Video | EC00202294513 |
5 | Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Koloid | 2022 | Program Komputer | EC00202292960 |
6 | Buku Panduan Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Koloid | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202292965 |
7 | Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Bakteri | 2022 | Program Komputer | EC00202292963 |
8 | Buku Panduan Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Bakteri | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202292967 |
9 | Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Elektrolit Non Elektrolit | 2022 | Program Komputer | EC00202292962 |
10 | Buku Panduan Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Elektrolit Non Elektrolit | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202292966 |
11 | Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Sistem Gerak | 2022 | Program Komputer | EC00202292964 |
12 | Buku Panduan Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Sistem Gerak | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202292968 |
13 | Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Laju Reaksi | 2022 | Program Komputer | EC00202290077 |
14 | Buku Panduan Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Laju Reaksi | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202290073 |
15 | Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Virus | 2022 | Program Komputer | EC00202290078 |
16 | Buku Panduan Mobile Learning Berbasis Augmented Reality Materi Virus | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202290074 |
17 | Model Pembelajaran Dilema-STEAM Dalam Pembelajaran Energi Tak Terbarukan | 2022 | Modul | EC00202262501 |
18 | Four-Tier Diagnostic Instrument – Chemical Bonding | 2022 | Karya Ilmiah | EC00202287079 |
19 | Pembelajaran Koloid | 2022 | Modul | EC00202287081 |
20 | Buku Petunjuk Self Regulated Learning Berbasis Guided Inquiry Design pada Materi Zat dan Karateristiknya | 2022 | Modul | EC00202287087 |
21 | Microteaching: Keterampilan Memberikan Penguatan | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202262916 |
22 | Model Pembelajaran Dilemma STEAM Dalam Pembelajaran Kalor | 2022 | Modul | EC00202262504 |
23 | Microteaching: Keterampilan Membuka dan Menutup Pelajaran | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202261974 |
24 | Buku Panduan Guru Model Pembelajaran Dilema-STEAM Pada Pembelajaran IPA Materi Energi Dalam Sistem Kehidupan | 2022 | Modul | EC00202262505 |
25 | Microteaching: Keterampilan Mengadakan Variasi | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202261973 |
26 | Microteaching: Keterampilan Bertanya Dasar dan Lanjut | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202262917 |
27 | Microteaching: Keterampilan Menjelaskan | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202244514 |
28 | Microteaching: Keterampilan Memimpin Diskusi Kelompok Kecil | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202294472 |
29 | Microteaching: Keterampilan Mengajar Kelompok Kecil dan Perseorangan | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202294480 |
30 | Eksperimen Berbasis Rumah Pada Topik Asam-Basa | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202294466 |
31 | Eksperimen Berbasis Rumah Pada Topik Laju Reaksi | 2022 | Karya Rekaman Video | EC00202294468 |
32 | Pelatihan Penyusunan Soal Interaktif Menggunakan Platform E-Ujian Bagi Guru-Guru SMP di Bekasi | 2022 | Poster | EC00202294492 |
33 | Improving Students’ Self-Regulation Using Online Self-Regulated Learning in Chemistry | 2022 | Poster | EC00202294500 |
34 | Kimia Dasar Berbasis Ethnochemistry (Terintegrasi Kearifan Lokal Sasak dan Jawa) | 2022 | Book Chapters | EC00202265129 |
35 | Panduan Penggunaan Aplikasi Go-Chemist!: Struktur Atom dan Sistem Periodik Unsur | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202268398 |
36 | Kuesioner TPACK untuk Calon Guru (PT-TPACK) – (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) | 2022 | Karya Ilmiah | EC00202267172 |
37 | Panduan Penggunaan Aplikasi Go-Chemist!: Sifat Koligatif Larutan | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202268405 |
38 | Buku Panduan Model Pembelajaran Dilemma-STEAM | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202267660 |
39 | Panduan Penggunaan Aplikasi Go-Chemist!: Hidrokarbon | 2022 | Buku Panduan | EC00202268402 |
40 | Model Pengembangan TPACK Calon Guru | 2021 | Book Chapters | EC00202172442 |
41 | Model REORCILEA (Research-Oriented Collaborative Inquiry Learning) | 2019 | Book Chapters | EC00201934236 |
42 | Etnokimia: Bahan Ajar Kimia Dasar Berbasis Budaya | 2019 | Modul | EC00201934228 |
43 | Tes Kemampuan Berpikir Analisis dan Keterampilan Proses Sains | 2019 | Book Chapters | EC00201934229 |
44 | Penilaian Capaian Kemampuan Berpikir Terintegrasi | 2019 | Book Chapters | EC00201902510 |