In 2030 to be a superior Study Program and able to produce Bachelor of Statistics who have competitiveness at the Asian level based on faith and piety.
Organizing high quality education and teaching activities by utilizing information and communication technology to produce Statistics graduates who are in accordance with stakeholder needs and able to compete at the National and Asian levels.
Creating a conducive academic atmosphere, creating a religious atmosphere in every academic and non-academic activity, and being able to foster entrepreneurial skills for students.
Organizing research and development activities in the field of Statistics in line with the development of science and technology.
Organizing community dedication activities.
Menjalin dan mengembangkan kerjasama dengan berbagai institusi baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
Producing Statistics graduates who are professional, able to utilize information and communication technology, have entrepreneurial skills, have faith and devotion, in accordance with stakeholder needs, and are able to compete at the national and global levels.
Producing high quality scientific works based on research results in the field of Statistics in accordance with the development of science and technology.
Providing services to the community by applying the field of Statistics as they need.
Having and carrying out mutually beneficial cooperation with partner institutions both domestically and abroad, especially those related to the development of the Statistics Study Program.