Dr. Meiliasari, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Coordinator of Bachelor’s Study Program

The Department of Mathematics at Universitas Negeri Jakarta has existed in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) since the 1970s, when Universitas Negeri Jakarta (formerly IKIP Jakarta) was still part of Universitas Indonesia. At that time, FMIPA was still called FKIE (Faculty of Exact Sciences). From the name of the faculty, which has the title ‘Teacher’, it is clear that the existing programmes are related to the world of education. In the Faculty of Mathematics, there was only Mathematics Education (no programme name yet). In the 1980s, the FMIPA underwent several name changes, including from FKIE to FMPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), then from FMIPA to FPMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics Education Natural Sciences). With the change of IKIP Jakarta to Universitas Negeri Jakarta in 1999, the name of FPMIPA was also changed to FMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) and the programme division system was started. One of the existing programmes is the Mathematics Education programme.


The Mathematics Education Study Programme has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with a grade of ‘A’ (Excellent) based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education

Number: 2518/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/IV/2021 Dated 28 April 2021.


Dr. Meiliasari, S.Pd., M.Sc.

S3 Pendidikan Matematika

Dr. Makmuri, M.Si.

S3 Teknologi Pendidikan

Prof. Dr. Wardani Rahayu, M.Si.

S3 Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Drs. Tri Murdiyanto, M.Si.

S2 Matematika

Dr. Lukman El Hakim, M.Pd.

S3 Pendidikan Matematika

Dr. Pinta Deniyanti Sampoerno, M.Si.

S3 Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Dr. Ellis Salsabila, M.Si.

S3 Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Puspita Sari, S.Pd., M.Sc.

S2 Pendidikan Matematika

Aris Hadiyan Wijaksana, M.Pd.

S2 Pendidikan Matematika

Dwi Antari Wijayanti, M.Pd.

S2 Pendidikan Matematika

Leny Dhianti Haeruman, M.Pd.

S2 Pendidikan Matematika

Tian Abdul Aziz, Ph.D

S3 Pendidikan Matematika

Dr. Mimi Nur Hajizah, M.Pd.

S3 Pendidikan Matematika

Dr. Anny Sovia, M.Pd.

S3 Pendidikan Matematika

Dr. Flavia Aurelia Hidajat, M.Si.

S3 Pendidikan Matematika

Qorry Meidianingsih, M.Si.

S2 Statistika

Ari Hendarno, S.Pd., M.Kom.

S2 Ilmu Komputer

Agus Agung Permana, S.Si., M.Pd.

S2 Teknologi Pendidikan


Ahmad Bani, S.Pd.

Pranata Laboratorium Pendidikan

Ajeng Euis Permata Sari, S.Kom

Pranata Laboratorium Pendidikan


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