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Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan – Magister Pendidikan Fisika

Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan

Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL)/ Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika yang mengacu pada rumusan Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia yang pada dimensi sikap dan keterampilan, serta pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus yang disepakati dalam forum HKI, serta pemenuhan standar internasional pada kompetensi umum dan kompetensi khusus, sebagai berikut:

Kompetensi Umum

PLO1Mampu mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif melalui penelitian ilmiah di bidang pendidikan fisika.

Kompetensi Khusus

PL0 2 Menguasai pengetahuan lanjutan tentang fisika klasik dan fisika modern
PLO 3 Mampu mendesain pembelajaran fisika inovatif sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum dengan menggunakan teknik evaluasi dan asesmen yang tepat
PLO 4Mampu mengembangkan alat bantu pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi maju dan lingkungan peserta didik
PLO 5Mampu mengajukan berbagai alternatif pemecahan problematika pendidikan fisika dengan pendekatan inter- dan multidisipliner
PLO 6Mampu mendesain penelitian ilmiah untuk menyelesaikan persoalan pendidikan fisika
PLO 7Mampu melaksanakan penelitian ilmiah di bidang pendidikan fisika berdasarkan metodologi ilmiah, pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis dan kreatif.
PLO 8Mampu menghasilkan artikel ilmiah yang memiliki kebaruan, serta mempublikasikannya di jurnal ilmiah nasional terakreditasi, prosiding seminar internasional, atau jurnal internasional

 Mapping Mata Kuliah dan Program Learning Outcomes :

The PLO of Master of Physics Education Study Programme :

Subject-Specific Criteria (SSC) Master Of Physics Education
 Social   Competence   
SSC 1They have an extensive understanding of the fundamental aspects of scientific theories and assess the scope of approximations and models
SSC 2They are conscious of their responsibility towards science and possibility consequences of their activities for the environment and community
Specialist competences   
SSC 3They have advanced knowledge of physics and mathematics also expertise in interdisciplinary physics education
SSC 4They could prompt professional activities in unrelated fields to the master’s program, using physics education wisdom, scientific methods, and strategic problem-solving
SSC 5They also acquired a general attitude in selected study programs, such as communication, broadcasting, working on projects, and being capable of working together
SSC 6They could apply knowledge to diverse complex physical education problems to analyze, formulate, and resolve comprehensively in scientific manners
SSC 7They are qualified to discuss complex physics problems and invent in recent international research comprehensively
SSC 8They could evaluate and denote scientific topics that are relevant to the community’s needs
SSC 9They are qualified to design, construct, and conduct experiments in physics educational
SSC 10They have gained the capacity to acquaint their ability in any specific area in physics/technology to research and interpret for international research
SSC 11They have applied their knowledge of complex physics problems and their derivation, also they are able to assess the scope of approximations and models
SSC 12They have gained the persistence to overcome failures in research and development projects also presented in writing (master’s thesis) and orally (presentation with open discussion)