The curriculum in the Master of Mathematics Education study program consists of general courses and study program courses. General courses are designed by the university by involving all university stakeholders. The subject groups for the Masters of Mathematics Education study program were developed based on the input of master of Mathematics Education stakeholders including experts from the Indonesian Mathematical Education Postgraduate Association (PPPMI), the lecturers of Master of Mathematics Education, teacher organizations in DKI Jakarta such as the Subject Teacher Conference (MGMP), alumni organizations, and student organizations.
The students in the Master of Mathematics Education study program should take a minimum of 43 credits (SKS). The 39 credits (SKS) include compulsory courses and 4 out of 15 credits (SKS) of elective courses. The 15 credits (SKS) are provided both within the Master of Mathematics Education study program and the other graduate programs. All courses are distributed over 4 semesters. The compulsory courses, which are prerequisites for subsequent courses, are given in semester 1. The courses in semester 2 are focus on educational study courses, mathematics courses, and research courses. In semester 3, the courses focus on research courses and elective courses. The elective courses support the graduate students of Master of Mathematics Education with the desired profile in the field. In semester 4, the students are expected to focus on research, thesis writing, and publishing the research on national and international reputable journals.
The curriculum structure of the Master of Mathematics Education is shown in Figure below (Note: yellow box for the study program courses, red box for the elective courses, blue box for MBKM courses, green box for the university courses, and purple box for the faculty courses).