Master of Mathematics Education

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Master of Mathematics Education


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Makmuri, M.Si.

Coordinator of Master’s Study Program

State University of Jakarta’s Master of Mathematics Education Study Program admitted students for the first time in 2012. Since then, it has produced numerous alumni who have ventured into various functional, structural, and entrepreneurial professional fields. As a growing institution, the Master of  Mathematics Education Study Program has introduced several changes since its commencement, with the aim of ensuring continuous improvement and achieving its vision, mission, and objectives. Revisions have been made in curriculum development, teaching and learning approaches, examination processes, and infrastructure development, among others. Collaboration is also in place with several organizations and Indonesian public universities offering Master of Mathematics Education Programs through the Association of Indonesian Master Program of Mathematics Education (PPPMI) and Indonesian Mathematics Society (IndoMS), as well as with several universities in Asia, Australia, and other regions around the world.


The Master Program of  Mathematics Education was granted accreditation with a rating of “VERY GOOD” by BANPT in 2022 with Decree No. 3459/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VI/2022, valid from 7 June 2022 to 7 June 2027.


Picture of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Makmuri, M.Si.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Makmuri, M.Si.

Doctoral Degree in Educational Technology

Picture of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pinta Deniyanti S., M.Si.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pinta Deniyanti S., M.Si.

Doctoral Degree in Educational Research and Evaluation

Picture of Dr. Meiliasari, M.Sc.

Dr. Meiliasari, M.Sc.

Doctoral Degree in Mathematics Education

Picture of Tian Abdul Aziz, Ph.D

Tian Abdul Aziz, Ph.D

Doctoral Degree in Mathematics Education

Picture of Dr. Lukita Ambarwati, M.Si.

Dr. Lukita Ambarwati, M.Si.

Doctoral Degree in Mathematics

Picture of Prof. Dr. Wardani R., M.Si.

Prof. Dr. Wardani R., M.Si.

Doctoral Degree in Educational Research and Evaluation

Picture of Dr. Flavia Aurelia H., M.Pd.

Dr. Flavia Aurelia H., M.Pd.

Doctoral Degree in Mathematics Education

Picture of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ellis Salsabila, M.Si.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ellis Salsabila, M.Si.

Doctoral Degree in Educational Research and Evaluation

Picture of Dr. Lukman El Hakim, M.Pd.

Dr. Lukman El Hakim, M.Pd.

Doctoral Degree in Mathematics Education

Picture of Prof. Dr. Suyono, M.Si.

Prof. Dr. Suyono, M.Si.

Doctoral Degree in Statistics

Picture of Dr. Yudi Mahatma, M.Si.

Dr. Yudi Mahatma, M.Si.

Doctoral Degree in Mathematics


Picture of Ariya Seta

Ariya Seta

Academic Administrator

Picture of Agus Agung Permana, M.Pd.

Agus Agung Permana, M.Pd.

Laboratory Technician

Picture of Ardhini Indriastuti, A.Md

Ardhini Indriastuti, A.Md

Academic Administrator

Picture of Ahmad Bani, S.Pd.

Ahmad Bani, S.Pd.

Laboratory Technician

Picture of Ika Septiana Lestari, S.Pd.

Ika Septiana Lestari, S.Pd.

Academic Adminitrator

Picture of Ajeng Euis Permata S., S.Kom.

Ajeng Euis Permata S., S.Kom.

Laboratory Technician


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