The curriculum was designed to reflect the visions, missions, and goals of the Master Degree of Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNJ, in terms of generating a graduate as a teacher/an educator in Mathematics who also can manage a laboratory as well as entrepreneurship according to recent time and stakeholders. The curriculum structure was arranged in line with Program Learning Outcome (PLO) description. The curriculum mapping figure has explained the relationship between each course name and course subject of study from the Master of Mathematics Education study program.
The curriculum of Mathematics education was arranged to provide the graduate’s need of knowledge and skills in teaching and learning education as well as Mathematics science. Therefore, the curriculum generally has four main course subjects, such as the first-course subject is to support education, the second-course subject is to support the concept of mathematics, and the third-course subject is to support research.
The students of the Mathematics Education Program complete their studies in 2 years (4 semesters) length of study as the fastest period, and four years (8 semesters) length of study as the most extended period. The courses that they have to complete during the study program are 43 credits or equal to 216 ECTS. The courses groups include university courses with 8 credits (20,80 ECTS) that are compulsory for all students from the university; compulsory courses with 31 credits (80,6 ECTS) as compulsory courses for students who are in the Education program; and elective courses with 4 credits (10,4 ECTS) both in applied Mathematics and professional education courses.
University's Courses
8 Credits (20,8 ECTS)
Compulsory Courses
31 Credits (80,6 ECTS)
Elective Course
4 Credits (10,4 ECTS)
This study material requires students to master and analise various views related to pedagogical concepts and learning theories, solve mathematics learning problems by formulating innovative learning designs integrated with ICT by considering the needs of students and the world of work as well as develop valid and reliable instruments to evaluate learning.
1. Mathematics Teaching and Learning Designs
2. Development and Problems in Mathematics Education
3. New Orientation in Education
4. Media and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
5. Mathematical Higher Order Thinking
6. English for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
7. Realistic Mathematics Teaching and Learning
8. The Philosophy of Science
This study material aims for students to understand, analise, and prove concepts, axioms, definitions, procedures, and theorems in mathematics and statistics. Includes sets, functions, discrete and continuous, groups, rings, and fields. Create a mathematical model related to natural events.
1. Real Analysis
2. Advanced Real Analysis
3. Abstract Algebra
4. Advanced Abstract Algebra
5. Mathematical Statistics
6. Discrete Mathematics
7. Mathematical Modeling
This study material focuses on the research’s philosophical background and various research methodologies suitable for conducting educational research. The study aims for students to identify research focuses based on current issues in the field of mathematics education with various relevant approaches, research designs, and proper understanding of educational statistics; creating ideas through scientific publications; research needs to be carried out by answering various current problems by creating new ideas, theories, and innovations in the field of mathematics education.
1. Educational Statistics
2. Evaluation in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
3. Educational Research Methodology
4. Development of Research Instrument
5. Thesis Seminar
6. Thesis