Master of Mathematics Education


1st Semester

The Philosophy of Science (2 Credits)

Educational Research Methodology (3 Credits)

Abstract Algebra (2 Credits)

Real Analysis (2 Credits)

Mathematical Statistics (3 Credits)

New Orientation in Education (2 Credits)

2nd Semester

Educational Statistics (3 Credits)

Mathematics Teaching and Learning Designs (3 Credits)

Evaluation in Mathematics Teaching and Learning (2 Credits)

Advanced Real Analysis (2 Credits)

Advanced Abstract Algebra (2 Credits)

Development and Problems in Mathematics Education (3 Credits)

3rd Semester

Mathematical Modeling (2 Credits)

Discrete Mathematics (2 Credits)

Media and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  in Mathematics Teaching and Learning (2 Credits)

Realistic Mathematics Teaching and Learning (2 Credits)

Mathematical Higher Order Thinking (2 Credits)

English for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (2 Credits)

Leadership in Learning Organizations (3 Credits)

Thesis Seminar (2 Credits)

Development of Research Instrument (2 Credits)

4th Semester

Thesis (6 Credits)