Master of Mathematics Education
Lecturer of the Master of Mathematics Education Study Programme
NIP 197905042009122002 NIDN 0004057909
Doctor’s Degree, Mathematics Education
Master’s Degree, Research and Development in Science Education
Bachelor’s Degree, Mathematics Education
Developing students’ 21st century skills through STEAM Education
Integrating computational thinking in mathematics classroom
Pelatihan pengembangan instrument literasi matematika untuk guru matematika SMP di kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat
Modul Pelatihan Visualisasi Data Menggunakan Tableau
Buku Panduan Model Pembelajaran Dilemma-STEAM
Peluang SMP Dengan RME
Laporan Supervisi Akademik dan Pembimbingan MGMP Matematika SMP Kabupaten Mimika
Development and validation of online classroom learning environtment inventory (OCLEI): The case of Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pelatihan pengembangan instrument penilaian numerasi untuk peningkatan kompetensi guru matematika SMP
An error analysis of students’ difficultien in differential calculus
Respon Mahasiswa Calon Guru Matematika saat Situasi Contingency di Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika
Mathematics pre-service teachers’ anticipation of students’ responses: A case study of lesson study for pre-service teachers