One of the higher education tri dharma activities is Community Service which aims to contribute to society by providing information and education in various aspects of science.
In order to realize the tri dharma of higher education, a team of lecturers from the Statistics & Computer Science Study Program at the State University of Jakarta conducted Community Service activities which were carried out in three different locations, namely the Malaka Jaya Village Office and RW 07 Office, East Jakarta (Tuesday, 4 October 2022) and Dewi Sartika Building, 5th Floor, Jakarta State University (Wednesday, October 12, 2022). This activity is a part of the education strategy and form of contribution of UNJ statistics lecturers in disseminating knowledge, especially in the fields of statistics and computer science as a form of community service. This activity is in partnership with the Malaka Jaya Village which is currently headed by Mr. Asri Yanto. This Community Service activity involves statistics study program students and also computer science as a learning platform to improve abilities, skills, and independence in carrying out community service.
This activity began with an opening ceremony on the 3rd floor of the Malaka Jaya Village Office which was officially opened by Mr. Asri Yanto as the Malaka Jaya Urban Village Head. In addition, the Computer Science Study Program Coordinator also gave remarks and welcomed the holding of this event. The reason is, this event supports the improvement of the quality of research for lecturers and students, especially in the field of education. After the opening ceremony, it is continued with training activities according to the location and training that has been chosen by the participants.
This Community Service Program is divided into 10 types of training with different topics and is held in 2 locations. Where, the statistics study program conducted 5 trainings at the Malaka Jaya Village Office while the computer science study program conducted training at the RW 07 office. The speakers in this series of PKM activities consisted of 5 statistics lecturers and 2 computer science lecturers, namely Dr. Ir. Bagus Sumargo M.S., Coordinator of the Statistics Study Program, Dian Handayani, M.Sc., FarohLadayya M.Sc., Dra Widyanti Rahayu, M.Sc., Dania Siregar, M.Sc., Vera Maya Santi, M.Sc., Ir. Fariani Hermin M.T., as the coordinator of the computer science study program, Med Irzal, M.Kom., Drs. Mulyono, M.Kom., and Ari Hendarno, S.Pd. M. Kom.

The first location, namely the third floor of the Malaka Jaya Village Office, was attended by 32 participants who were RPTRA administrators, the Early Community Communication Forum (FKDM), PPSU admin, ASN, and Social Services. Participants receive 3 types of training. First of all the participants received training with the title "Training and assistance in making infographics for RT/RW officials in the Malaka Jaya Subdistrict" explained by Ms. Faroh Ladayya, M.Sc., and attended by 32 participants who are RPTRA administrators, the Early Community Communication Forum (FKDM), PPSU admin, ASN, and Social Services. In this training, participants learn and practice directly how to make infographics in compiling and disseminating information to make it more interesting and interactive.

Furthermore, the participants received training with what was explained by Dra. Widiyanti Rahayu, M.Si with the title "Training in Estimating Lost Data in the Context of Compiling Area Prototypes in Figures in the Malaka Jaya Village, East Jakarta".

Finally, the participants received training presented by Ms. Dania Siregar, M.Sc with the title "Training and Assistance in Data Visualization in the Context of Developing Area Prototypes in Figures in the Malaka Jaya Village, East Jakarta". This activity was carried out to improve participants' skills in visualizing data using Google Data Studio. In this training, participants were introduced directly to what Google Data Studio data was and practiced direct data visualization with Data Studio. The data used is Covid-19 data in Indonesia.

The next training location was held on the 1st floor of the Malaka Jaya sub-district office which was attended by 13 administrators and members of the Village Community Organization (LMK). First, the participants received training presented by Dr. Ir. Bagus Sumargo, M.Si with title. "Training and Assistance in the Application of Descriptive Statistics in the Context of Developing Area Prototypes in Figures in the Malaka Jaya Village, East Jakarta". Participants are given training on how to provide assistance and compile the smallest area/kelurahan in numbers using G-Forms, Surveys, Data Processing, and Publications.

Furthermore, the participants received training presented by Dian Handayani, M.Sc, with the title "Data Management Training for Sub-district Officials (Case Study: Malaka Jaya Village Apparatus, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta)".

The training which was held in RW 07 was attended by 30 participants who were posyandu cadres in the Malaka Jaya Village. Participants receive Training on the Utilization of e-Commerce as a means of empowering the family economy as well as training. Utilization of the Posyandu Information System presented by Mrs. Ir. Fariani Hermin I., M.T and Mr. Med Irzal, M.Kom.
At different times, Community Service activities were carried out by a statistics study program lecturer, Ms. Vera Maya Santi, M.Sc. with the training title "Survey Methods in the Development of Sub-district Publications in Figures in the Malaka Jaya Sub-District".
On the other hand, Community Service activities will be carried out at different times, namely Wednesday, October 12, 2022, located at the 5th Floor of the Dewi Sartika Building, Jakarta State University. This training was attended by Mathematics Teachers from East Jakarta where the participants received training on Calculating Integrals Using the Newton-Cotes Method with the Assistance of Microsoft Excel and Research Data Processing with SPSS presented by Drs. Mulyono, M. Kom. The next training was explained by Mr. Ari Hendarno, S.Pd., M.Kom. with the title of the training "Making quantitative research with the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) type as an alternative to PTK"
The activity went quite well and smoothly, where the participants were quite enthusiastic in implementing the training. Most of the training participants felt that the training provided benefits and new knowledge, motivation and skills that supported the profession. FKDM), PPSU admin, ASN, Social Service, Kelurahan Community Institutions, posyandu cadres and also math teachers.