Statistics Pojok is a collaborative service between the Central Bureau of Statistics and Universities. This activity is a form of BPS concern in disseminating the variety and benefits of statistical products produced by BPS in Higher Education environments. Through the Statistics Corner, it is hoped that the literacy and use of statistics in higher education will increase. The increasing need for statistics in the world of education has prompted BPS, the Statistical Forum (Forstat) and the Indonesian Statistical Association (ISI) to collaborate through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 23 July 2021. This MoU has become the new legal umbrella for further Statistics Corner activities. With this MoU, it will strengthen collaboration between BPS and Higher Education through Forstat in expanding and strengthening the implementation of Statistics Corner in Higher Education. The Statistics Corner carries the concept of collaborative services between BPS and Universities through Forstat.

One of the BPS at the provincial level, namely BPS DKI Jakarta, is also one of the agencies that runs this program. BPS DKI Jakarta will cooperate with one of the state universities in Jakarta, namely Jakarta State University. The Statistics Corner at UNJ is located on the 4th floor of the UNJ library. On October 19, 2022, the inauguration of the UNJ Statistics Corner was held which was attended by the head of BPS RI Dr. Margo Yuwono, S.Si, M.Si, Chancellor of Jakarta State University Prof. Dr. Komarudin, several leaders from BPS and UNJ, as well as UNJ Statistics students. Later UNJ Statistics Corner will operate with the help of statistical agents and BPS DKI Jakarta employees. It is hoped that the existence of this Statistics Corner can increase statistical literacy as well as bring statistical services closer to the Higher Education institutions.


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