FMIPA UNJ Student Creativity Proposal Clinic

  • Wednesday, February 23, 2022

FMIPA UNJ Student Creativity Proposal Clinic

The Clinic for the Proposal for the Student Creativity Program of FMIPA UNJ was held on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. The activity was carried out online using the Zoom Meeting platform and was attended by WD3 FMIPA, PKM UNJ Reviewers, BEM Trustees, lecturers, and approximately 250 PKM FMIPA UNJ 2022 participants The Clinical Agenda for the PKM FMIPA UNJ Proposal began with an opening by Mrs. Vera Maya Santi, M, Si, followed by remarks from the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of FMIPA UNJ, Mrs. Dr. Diana Vivanti S, M.Si, then a group photo session was held, then entered the main event, the participants entered the breakout zoom room according to the PKM field. PKM UNJ reviewers who were also present in this agenda, namely: Dwi Antari, M.Pd. (Coordinator of Mathematics Education Study Program) SKIM PKM-K, PKM-PM Dr. Umiatin, M.Si. (Lecturer of Physics Study Program) SKIM PKM-KC, PKM-PI Sri Rahayu M. Biomed (Lecturer of Biology Study Program) SKIM PKM-RE, PKM-GT, PKM-AI, PKM-GFK The participants of PKM FMIPA UNJ 2022 were quite enthusiastic, it could be seen from how active the participants were during the question and answer session. The activity was closed with a few closing words by PKM UNJ reviewers in each zoom breakout room. Hopefully, with the agenda of the FMIPA UNJ Student Creativity Program Proposal Clinic, it can be a provision of knowledge for the selection of funding for the 2022 UNJ Student Creativity Program Proposal, and it is hoped that it will make achievements at the 2022 National Student Science Week.