• Thursday, March 31, 2022


FMIPA, UNJ, Jakarta-The State University of Jakarta again held a virtual graduation for graduates of the 2021/2022 academic year during the COVID-19 pandemic. The virtual graduation for Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels has been held on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 from 08.30 to 14.00 WIB. Virtual graduation activities are broadcast live through the Zoom application and also the Youtube Edura TV channel. The graduation was held in 2 sessions, namely university and faculty graduation.

This virtual graduation was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNJ Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si; Deputy Dean I FMIPA UNJ Dr. Esmar Budi, S.Si., M.T; Deputy Dean II FMIPA UNJ Drs. Sudarwanto, M.Sc., DEA; Deputy Dean III FMIPA UNJ Dr. Diana Vivanti Sigit, M.Si; Members of the Senate of FMIPA UNJ, as well as Professors; Vice Chancellors and Chairs of Institutions; Postgraduate Deans and Directors and their staff; Bureau Heads, Agency Heads, Unit Heads, and UPT Heads; Study Program Coordinators; The chairman and administrators of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan, Jakarta State University; Lecturers and Employees; Virtual Graduation Committee for Academic Year 2021/2022; and the graduates and their families.

This year’s Virtual UNJ Graduation has the theme “Achieving Excellence to Build Independence”. The graduation activity began with a procession of the leadership and senate of the State University of Jakarta entering the open court venue and continued with a speech by the Chancellor of UNJ Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si. In his speech, he said that the door to university independence was the autonomy of higher education institutions, one of which was through the status of PTN-BH. With PTN-BH, higher education is required to be able to transform itself into a research university, innovative and entrepreneurial university, as well as being at the forefront of guarding the dignity and sovereignty of the nation. After the speech by the Chancellor, the activity entered the core part, namely the graduation report and announcement of the best graduates by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs which was then followed by the inauguration of graduates by the Chancellor and reading of the pledges and thanks of the graduates.

In the academic year 2020/ This 2021 UNJ will inaugurate 1,905 graduates from the Diploma Program (D3). Bachelor (S1), Master (S2) to Doctoral. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) this year graduated a total of 236 students from undergraduate (204 graduates) and master (32 graduates) levels. The shortest study period in the undergraduate program is 7 semesters and 3 semesters for the master’s program. The longest study period for the undergraduate level is 15 semesters and at the master’s level for 9 semesters. The average length of study for the undergraduate level is 10.5 semesters and for the master’s level 7.4 semesters. Undergraduate level has the highest GPA of 3.88 with the lowest GPA of 2.94 and the average GPA of 3.39. Meanwhile, for the master’s level, the highest GPA is 3.89 with the lowest GPA 3.32 and the average GPA is 3.65. FMIPA awarded the Best Graduate at the Bachelor level to Rafi Al Badri, S.Pd from the Chemistry Education Study Program and the master’s program to Velly Mubarok, M.Pd from the Biology Education Masters Study Program.

Although it was conducted online, UNJ Virtual Graduation activities for the 2021/2022 academic year can take place solemnly and smoothly as planned. Graduates and their families gave good enthusiasm throughout the activity. (Daniar/Editor)