• Tuesday, January 25, 2022


The Mawapres School of FMIPA UNJ was held for the first time with a discussion of scientific papers on Monday, January 24, 2022 in Meeting Room I, 6th floor of GHA UNJ. The activity was carried out in an hybrid manner, namely the 10 finalists offline and general students using online. The Mawapres School agenda was started by the MC at 09.15 WIB, followed by the reading of the opening prayer led by one of the finalists, Muhammad Fadillah from the Chemistry study program class of 2020, which was then completed by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and Mars UNJ. After the opening session, enter the welcoming session which was started by Arif Satrio Pamungkas as Chair of the 2021 FMIPA Outstanding Student Forum, and then the remarks and also the official opening of the Mawapres School agenda by the Dean of FMIPA UNJ. Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih N., M.Si. Furthermore, the delivery of material on Scientific Writing by Mrs. Aam Amaningsih Jumhur, M.T., Ph.D.

Mawapres School participants listen to the material and note points that must be considered because scientific writing is one of the assessments in student selection achievers. Therefore, in this Mawapres School activity, it provided a special agenda for the 10 finalists who attended offline in addition to asking questions, there was a session for KTI consultations with resource persons. The activity was closed by giving a certificate by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Diana Vivanti S. The ten finalists for Mawapres are as follows:

  1. Amario Fausta Harlastputra (Physics 2019)
  2. Kharisma Widarsih (Biology Education 2019)
  3. Niken Fitri Salwiah (Biology Education 2019)
  4. Verdy Virgautama (Biology 2019)
  5. Alyssa Maharani (Mathematics 2019)
  6. Chika Shafa Maura (Chemistry 2020)
  7. Ilham Maulana (Chemistry 2019)
  8. Muhammad Fadillah (Chemistry 2020)
  9. Raihan Habil Adami (Mathematics Education 2019)
  10. Intan Puspita Sari (Education Biology 2019)

Hopefully the Mawapres School FMIPA UNJ can help prepare the finalists before the Grand Final for the Selection of FMIPA UNJ Outstanding Students, and can become useful knowledge for finalists and general students who take part present on this agenda.