FMIPA held a Working Meeting to discuss the 2021 Performance Achievements and the 2022 Work Plan on 13-14 December 2021. This activity took place in the Hasjim As’arie Building Meeting Room 6th Floor, attended by the Dean team, 14 Study Program Coordinators. The Working Meeting was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si followed by a general presentation from the Vice Dean II Drs. Sudarwanto, M.Sc., DEA on funding activities for 2022. The Study Program Coordinator gave an explanation of performance achievements and work plans for 2022, guided by WD I Dr. Esmar Budi, MT and WD III Dr. Diana Vivanti Sigit, M.Sc., and positive discussions took place to build a work program towards superior FMIPA.
The current Study Program and Faculty Work Plans refer to the Main Performance Indicators consisting of 8 KPIs, namely:< /p>
- Graduates Get Decent Jobs
- Students Get Off-Campus Experience
- Lecturers Do Off-Campus Activities
- Teaching Practitioners Inside Campus
- Research and Community Service
- Study Programs in Collaboration with World-Class Partners
- Collaborative and Participatory Classes
- International Standard Study Programs