• Monday, June 20, 2022


The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Jakarta State University conducted an International Accreditation Visit with the Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) online via Zoom and offline in the Syafei Building Meeting Hall on 14-15 June 2022.

Present at this event online was the German ASIIN panelist, Prof. Dr. Gereon Elbers, from the University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Prof. Dr. Angelika Loidl-Stahlhofen, from the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, and Rainer Arnold Dipl. Phys., from ASIIN Office.

Also present were the Chancellor of UNJ, Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Sc., Dean of FMIPA UNJ, Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si., Vice Chancellors, and Coordinators of the Chemistry and Biology Study Program.

Prof. Muktiningsih said ASIIN is an international accreditation institution for natural sciences and engineering from Germany. The aim of FMIPA UNJ in applying for international accreditation is to improve the quality of graduates so that they are recognized internationally. It also follows FMIPA’s vision and aligns with UNJ’s vision of becoming a reputable university in Asia.

With this international accreditation, the services provided by the faculty are also at an international level. Gradually, we will improve the quality of service to be on par with international services.

FMIPA has also achieved many achievements at the international level, supported by international cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service. This is proven by winning the best award in the Research and Highest Funding category and other categories from the UNJ Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). This achievement gave us the confidence to apply for international accreditation.

The initial steps for international accreditation have been carried out since 2021 by preparing the documents and attachments required for the accreditation assessment process. In the initial stage, UNJ proposed two clusters: the Science and Engineering cluster, including Bachelor of Chemistry, Bachelor of Chemistry Education, Master of Chemistry Education, Bachelor of Biology, Bachelor of Biology Education, and Master of Biology Education. For Engineering, there will be a visit in July 2022.

International accreditation has several types, namely accredited, conditional accreditation, and the highest is unconditional accreditation. With this visitation, we hope that the international accreditation results for the Science cluster will receive Unconditional Accreditation so that there is no need for additional documents to be completed.

Discussion between ASIIN and UNJ Panelists

This activity was carried out for two days. On June 14, 2022, the first panelist visitation session was held with the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Head of Institution, and Dean. The second session was a discussion with the Study Program Coordinator, and the third was a discussion with stakeholders or representatives of schools that receive teachers from UNJ.

Then, on June 15, 2022, four sessions were held; the first was a discussion with students and alums of FMIPA UNJ, especially those studying Chemistry and Biology. The second-panel discussion session was with lecturers from the Chemistry and Biology groups. In the third session, the ASIIN panelists held internal discussions. In the fourth session, there was another meeting with the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Heads of Institutions, Deans of FMIPA, and Study Program Coordinators.

Prof. Dr. Angelika Loidl-Stahlhofen, from Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, as a panelist at the ASIIN visitation, admitted that she was delighted with the answers from FMIPA UNJ students and alums.

“The connection between lecturers and students is excellent, and they can collaborate. “Networking with companies and study guidance is also excellent,” said Prof. Angelika.

Prof. Angelika also put forward several recommendations, such as increasing the number of scholarships to be able to study abroad, building international classes at FMIPA UNJ, increasing the number of study hours in the laboratory, and for lecturers to improve digital learning methods.

At the end of the visitation, UNJ Rector, Prof. Komaduin, expressed his gratitude for the assessment and recommendations given to the ASIIN panelists during this visitation.

“All recommendations will be immediately followed up and sent back to ASIIN. “We also hope for technical guidance so that all international accreditation standards can be met and FMIPA can achieve Unconditional Accreditation,” said Prof. Komarudin.

This article was first published on June 16, 2022 on the page