On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 in the 3rd floor room of GHA Selection of Outstanding Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences already implemented. The activity was carried out offline and online, attended by 3 judges (offline), 1 jury (online), 9 participants (offline), 1 participant (online) and the FMIPA UNJ academic community who attended online up to 110 participants in the Zoom Meeting.< /span>
The selection of outstanding students begins with the opening, reading the opening prayer, singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars UNJ, followed by remarks by the Chair of Formapres FMIPA, Arif Satrio Pamungkas, Dean of FMIPA UNJ Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih N., M.Sc., and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Abdul Sukur, M.Si who at the same time opened the selection of outstanding students of FMIPA. The core agenda for selecting outstanding students is the presentation of creative ideas by 10 finalists of outstanding FMIPA students in front of the jury. The following are the names of the judges and 10 finalists in the selection of outstanding students of FMIPA:
1. Dra. Yulilina R. D, M. Biomed (Clump of Biology)
2. Ibnu Hadi, M.Si. (Math Cluster)
3. Dr. Teguh Budi P, M.Si (Physics Clump)
4. Elma Suryani, M.Pd (Chemical Clump )
B. Finalists
1. Amario Fausta Harlastputra (Physics 2019)
2. Kharisma Widarsih (Biology Education 2019)
3. Niken Fitri Salwiah (Biology Education 2019)
4. Verdy Virgautama (Biology 2019)
5. Alyssa Maharani (Mathematics 2019)
6. Chika Shafa Maura (Chemistry 2020) span>
7. Ilham Maulana (Kimia 2019)
8. Muhammad Fadillah (Kimia 2020)
9. Habil Adami’s Achievement (Mathematics Education 2019)
10. Intan Puspita Sari (Biology Education 2019)
The selection of outstanding students does not only consider academically, but also from how the finalists come up with creative ideas, mastery of English, and also personality. After conducting the selection, the jury decided the following names were the winners:
1st place : Ilham Maulana (Chemistry 2019)
2nd place : Chika Shafa Maura (Chemistry 2020)
3rd Winner ; : Verdy Virgautama (Biology 2019)
Champion of Hope 1 : Intan Puspita Sari (Biology Education 2019)
Champion of Hope 2 : Achievement of Habil Adami (Mathematics Education 2019)
Favourite Champion : Alyssa Maharani (Mathematics 2019)
Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all the finalists who have fought in the selection of outstanding students of FMIPA UNJ in 2022.< /p>
Hopefully the winners and all FMIPA students can have the spirit of achievement and give their best for Jakarta State University.