In order to achieve the vision of State University of Jakarta (UNJ) to become a world-class university, UNJ continues to produce various excellent programs. One of the programs to support this vision is to develop various superior and reputable research-based innovation products in the form of Virtual Research Expo activities and the launch of 11 Centers of Excellence or Science and Technology Excellence Centers (PUI) by the UNJ Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM). It is hoped that the Virtual Research Expo and the launch of the Center of Excellence in 2022 can increase the research products of UNJ lecturers so as to strengthen the achievement of UNJ’s vision. Expo and LPPM Award in 2022. Different presentations will be made in 2022 through hybrids, both face-to-face, zoom, and live streaming on the Edura TV YouTube channel. The activity, which was held on June 15, 2022, took place in the Hall of the UNJ UTC Building, 8th Floor.
This Virtual Research Expo event was attended by the Chancellor of UNJ, Chancellor of the Open University, Vice Chancellor for Students and Alumni Affairs UNJ, Secretary of the UNJ Senate , Chair and management of LPPM UNJ, Chair and management of LP3 UNJ, director of postgraduate UNJ, deans within UNJ, UNJ lecturers and students.
In his opening remarks, Harini Yaniar, S.Si., M.Kom as the Acting Director of BRIN Intellectual Property Management representing the Head of BRIN, said that the UNJ Virtual Research Expo was UNJ’s commitment to advancing various research and innovation results and products for the progress of the nation, said Harini Yaniar, S.Si., M.Kom. p>
According to Prof. Komarudin as Chancellor of UNJ in his opening remarks said that the launch of 11 Centers of Excellence or Science and Technology Excellence Centers (PUI) by LPPM UNJ was part of UNJ’s efforts to improve various research-based innovation works that could benefit society and the business world. It is hoped that PUI can continue to produce various research products to support the vision and mission of UNJ, said Prof. Komarudin.
Meanwhile, Prof. Ucu Cahyana as the Head of LPPM UNJ said that the Centers of Excellence that were launched were the Center for Digital Media Development; E-Assessment Development Center; STEAM Education Development Center; Waste Processing Technology Development Center; Advanced Materials Development Center; Learning Robot Development Center; Cosmetics Development Center; Center for the Development of Pathogenic Bacteria Detection Technology; Sports Technology Development Center; Sports Health Nutrition Development Center; and the Center for Educational Tourism Development. The launch of the Center of Excellence proves that UNJ is ready to be competitive in research products that are superior, creative, and innovative, said Prof. Ucu Cahyana.
Prof. Ucu Cahyana also added that in the Virtual Research Expo and the Launching of the Center of Excellence in 2022, various superior products from the downstream research of UNJ lecturers were displayed, some of which were prototype nurse robots to assist nurses in administering drugs, mobile learning for learning, methods/tools for detection. food poisoning bacteria, water flushing tank technology, natural cosmetics, and other research products. Through innovative, creative, and superior research products, it is possible to create a capable university that is at the same time based on a center for the development of science and human resources so that UNJ’s role in the business world, industry, society and government is increasingly real, said Prof. Ucu Cahyana.
Then Dr. Iwan Sugihartono as Secretary of LPPM UNJ added that in this activity the LPPM UNJ Award 2022 was also carried out, which consisted of various categories in the fields of Most Faculty and Individual Publications, Most Research Faculty Sources of Funds DRPM Ministry of Education and Technology, Most Faculty HKI, Most Individual Citation, Awards UNJ’s OJS Journal (Indexed by Sinta 2) in 2021, Appreciation for the Best Study Program for Sinta in 2021, the Most IPR of Faculties and Individuals, the Most Citations, and the best Posters and Videos for Research and Community Service, said Dr. Iwan Sugihartono.
This article was first published on June 15, 2022 on the page https://www.unj.ac.id/en/lppm-unj-degree-virtual-research-expo-dan-launch-11-center- of-excellence/