Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih N., M.Si.
Nama Lengkap | : | Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih.N., M. Si |
Jabatan Fungsional | : | Guru Besar |
Golongan/Pangkat | : | IVC/Pembina Utama Muda |
NIP/NIDN | : | 196405111989032001 / 0011056407 |
ID Scopus/ID Orchid | : | |
ID SINTA/ID Google Schoolar | : | |
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Pengalaman kerja
No | Nama Lembaga | Tahun Lulus |
1. | S3- ITB Bandung/ Biokimia | 2005 |
2. | S2- ITB Bandung/ Biokimia | 1996 |
3. | S1- IKIP Jakarta/Pendidikan Kimia | 1988 |
4. | Post-Doc Gieesen Universitat-German/Biokimia-Bioteknologi | 2008 |
No | Nama Lembaga | Tahun |
1. | Pelatihan Pengembangan Kurikulum PT dan Implementasi Permenristek No. 44 tahun 2015/Kemenristek Dikti | 2016-2017 |
2. | Pelatihan Asesor BKD/Kemenristek Dikti | 2018 |
3. | Pelatihan CSSO-Advanced/Sandia Laboratoires USA-CRDF Global | 2018 |
4. | Pelatihan Asesor APT 3.0/BANPT | 2018 |
5. | Pelatihan Asesor APS 4.0/BANPT | 2019 |
6. | Pelatihan Leadership dan Pembelajaran pada era RI 4.0/ SS-Konsultan/Kemenristek Dikti | 2019 |
7. | Pelatihan Reviewer Penelitian Bersertifikat Tingkat Nasional/LPPM UNJ_Kemenristek Dikti | 2019 |
8. | Penyegaran Asesor APT 3.0/BANPT | 2020 |
9. | Pelatihan Asesor PPG Daljab/UNJ- GTK-Kemendikbud | 2020 |
10. | Pelatihan Reviewer internal Penelitian dan P2M/LPPM UNJ | 2020 |
11. | Pelatihan Asesor PPG Daljab/UNJ- GTK-Kemendikbud | 2021 |
No | Judul Penelitian / Karya Ilmiah | Tahun
1. | Enhanced Activity of Tio2/Natural Zeolite Composite for Degradation of Methyl Orange Under Visible Light Irradiation | 2018 |
2. | Immunogenicity Evaluation of Recombinant Fim-C Salmonella typhi Proteinas Typhoid Vaccine Candidate on Wistar Rat | 2018 |
3. | Evaluation of Primer Detection Capabilities of FimC Salmonella typhi Using Real Time PCR for Rapid Detection of Bacteria Causes of Food Poisoning | 2018 |
4. | Evaluation of Primers Detection Capabilities of the pef Salmonella typhimurium Gene and the fimC Eschericia coli Gene Using Real-Time PCR to Develop Rapid Detection of Food Poisoning Bacteria | 2018 |
5. | Pengaruh Jumlah Inokulum Sel Inang Bakteri E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS dan Waktu Overekspresi pada Produksi Protein Rekombinan Fim-C Salmonella typhi The Effect of Number Inoculum … | 2018 |
6. | Isolation and Characterization of fim-C S. Typhi Gene 0.8 Kilo Base as a Preliminary Study to Discover a Candidate of Recombinant Vaccine for Typhoid Fever | 2019 |
7. | Optimum Temperature of the Amplification of the fljB Gene of Salmonella typhimurium | 2019 |
8. | Detection of the Salmonella typhi Bacteria in Contaminated Egg Using Real-Time PCR to Develop Rapid Detection of Food Poisoning Bacteria | 2019 |
9. | Development of Antibody Anti FimC Salmonella typhi as Detection Kit Model of Typhoid Diseases by Antigen Capture Approach | 2019 |
10. | Rapid Detection of Shigella flexneri on Egg Samples by the Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method | 2019 |
11. | The immune Responds of Balb/C Mice on Antigen Recombinant Fim-C Inclusion Bodies Salmonella typhi Protein Emulsified with Alumina Adjuvant | 2019 |
12. | Natural colorant for food: A healthy alternative | 2019 |
13. | Antimicrobial compounds from Catharanthus roseus. A Review | 2019 |
14. | Anticancer molecules from Catharanthus roseus | 2019 |
15. | Variations of binding, washing, and concentration of imidazole on purification of recombinant Fim-C Protein Salmonella typhi with Ni-NTA Resin | 2019 |
16. | Detection of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli in artificially inoculated Milk sample using Real Time PCR method | 2019 |
17. | Toxicity evaluation of recombinant Fim-C Salmonella typhi Protein on ddY Mice for Typhoid Vaccine Development | 2020 |
18. | Antifungal mechanism of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Aureobasidium sp. nov. isolated from Cerbera manghas L. against the growth of destructive molds in postharvested apples. | 2020 |
19. | Isolation and selection of fungi amylolytic and cellulolytic originated from Rhododendron sp. flower | 2020 |
20. | Purification of Fim-C-Salmonella typhi recombinant protein with Ni-NTA resin as raw material for typhoid disease detection kit | 2021 |
21. | Variation in recombinant protein production volume of Fim-C-salmonella typhi as a raw material for typhoid detection kit at laboratory scale | 2021 |
22. | Detection of Salmonella typhimurium on artificially contaminated milk by real time PCR using STM4497 and fljB primers | 2021 |
23. | Purification of Salmonella Typhi Fim-C recombinant proteins with Co-NTA resins as raw materials for development of rapid typhoid fever detection kit | 2021 |
Pendidkan Kimia
No | Judul Penelitian / Karya Ilmiah | Tahun
1. | Development of e-module structure and protein function with flip PDF professional application through online learning | 2019 |
2. | Pengembangan e-module Biokimia pada materi metabolisme karbohidrat untuk mahasiswa program studi kimia | 2019 |
3. | Pengembangan modul elektronik (e-module) biokimia pada materi metabolisme lipid menggunakan Flip PDF Professional | 2019 |
4. | A chemistry learning module based on a scientific approach for developing problem-solving ability | 2019 |
5. | Pengembangan Modul Elektronik (e-Module) Kimia berbasis Kontekstual sebagai Media Pengayaan pada Materi Kimia Unsur | 2019 |
6. | Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Guided Discovery Learning Terhadap Literasi Kimia Peserta Didik Pada Materi Larutan Penyangga | 2019 |
7. | EM-SETS: An integrated e-module of environmental education and technology in natural science learning | 2020 |
8. | Implementation of e-module flip PDF professional to improve students’ critical thinking skills through problem based learning | 2020 |
9. | Pengembangan e-Modul Elektrokimia Terintergasi Lingkungan Berbasis Kontekstual Untuk SMK Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Otomotif | 2020 |
10. | RGB-ColorMeter on smartphones as a simple spectrophotometer: An alternative method of teaching spectrophotometry at the vocational high school of chemical analysts | 2021 |
11. | Development of protein metabolism electronic module by flip PDF professional application | 2021 |
12. | Application of the Lambert-Beer legal concept in learning spectroscopy UV-Vis with simple spectrophotometers | 2021 |
13. | The development of electronic module (E-MODULE) carbohydrates using the professional FLIP PDF application in organic chemistry course | 2021 |
14. | Development of e-module structure and protein function with flip PDF professional application through online learning | 2021 |
Tab Content
No | Seminar, Simposium, dan Lokakarya | Tahun |
1. | Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC)/Jakarta | 2020 |
2. | The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference/Virtual | 2020 |
3. | 4th International Congress on Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (ICABB), September 30, 2020, Online, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina | 2020 |
4. | The 2nd International Postgraduate Symposium in Biotechnology (Ipsb) 2019-UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malyasia.24th -25th September 2019. | 2019 |
5. | AASEC 2019 The 4rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference Bali, 24 April 2019 Website: http://aasec.conference.upi.edu/2018 Email: aasec@upi.edu | 2019 |
6. | AASEC 2018 The 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference Grand Tjokro Hotel, 18 April 2018 Website: http://aasec.conference.upi.edu/2018, Email: aasec@upi.edu | 2018 |
7. | The 13th Joint Conference on Chemistry was hosted by Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang at 2018 | 2018 |
8. | 7th International Conference on Biotechnology For The Wellness Industry 27-28 November 2018/UTM-Kuala Lumpur | 2018 |
9. | The 17 th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 15-16 Mar 2019 Pasar Minggu, Indonesia | 2018 |
Pengalaman kerja
No | Nama Lembaga | Tahun |
1. | Ketua Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia/FMIPA UNJ | 2006-2008 |
2. | Tim Fasilitator Nasional RSMA-BI Direktorat PSMA/ Direktorat PSMA Mendikdasmen | 2006-2009 |
3. | Ketua Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia/FMIPA UNJ | 2008-2012 |
4. | Sekretaris Tim Pengembang PGMIPAU-Dikti/ Direktorat Belmawa Dikti | 2009-2014 |
5. | Asesor Badan Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi (BANPT) Departemen Ristek dan Pendidikan Tinggi/BANPT | 2010-sekarang |
6. | Asesor Sertifikasi Profesi Guru/UNJ | 2010-sekarang |
7. | Asesor Sertifikasi Dosen/UNJ | 2010-sekarang |
8. | Ketua Jurusan Kimia/FMIPA UNJ | 2012-2014 |
9. | Tim Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru jalur SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Penmaba UNJ/UNJ | 2013-sekarang |
10. | Tim Akreditasi Institusi Perguruan Tinggi (AIPT) UNJ | 2014-2015 |
11. | Pembantu Dekan 1 FMIPA UNJ | 2013-2017 |
12. | Tim Penyusun Proposal dan Tim Inti Pendiri Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) | 2017-sekarang |
13. | Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik FMIPA UNJ | 2017-Sekarang |
14. | Tim Akreditasi Institusi Perguruan Tinggi (AIPT) UNJ | 2019-2021 |
15. | Tim Curriculum Development SFD | 2019-sekarang |
16. | Mitra Bestari Makara journal seri Science/UI | 2012-2013 |
17. | Mitra Bestari Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia/UNY | 2014-2015 |
18. | Mitra Bestari Journal Indonesian Chemistry/UGM | 2018-2019 |
19. | Mitra Bestari Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia/UNS | 2017-sekarang |
20. | Dekan FMIPA UNJ | 2021-Sekarang |
Mahasiswa Berprestasi FMIPA UNJ | FMIPA UNJ | 1985 | |
2. | Satya Lencana Karya Satya 10 tahun | Presiden RI | 2006 |
3. | Satya Lencana Karya Satya 20 tahun | Presiden RI | 2011 |
4. | Satya Lencana Karya Satya 30 tahun | Presiden RI | 2019 |
5. | Dosen Berprestasi | UNJ | 2009
6. | Kaprodi Berprestasi UNJ | UNJ | 2010
7. | Profile Wanita Tangguh UNJ | UNJ | 2010 |
8. | Kandidat Kaprodi Berprestasi Tk Nasional | Depdiknas | 2010 |
9. | Penyaji Poster Terbaik Bidang MP3EI | Depdiknas | 2015 |
10. | Paten/HaKI Pembuatan Protein rekombinan Fim-C typhi sebagai vaksin Typhus | Departemen Hukum dan HAM | 2015 |
11. | Dosen Terbaik dalam bidang HAKI | LPPM-UNJ | 2019 |
12. | Dosen Terbaik ke-3 Publikasi Ilmiah | LPPM-UNJ | 2019 |
13. | Paten Sederhana : KIT DETEKSI Salmonella typhimurium Menggunakan Primer Gen fljB Dengan Metode Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/ S00201806585 | Kementrian Hukum dan HAM/Ditjen KI | 2020 |
14. | Paten Sederhana: Kit Diagnostik fim-C Eshcerichia Coli Dengan Metode Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/S00201906324 | Kementrian Hukum dan HAM/Ditjen KI | 2021 |
15. | Paten Sederhana: Kit Diagnostik ipaH Shigella Flexineri Dengan Metode Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/S00201906337 | Kementrian Hukum dan HAM/Ditjen KI | 2021 |
16. | Paten Sederhana: Kit Diagnostik STM-4497 Salmonella typhimurium Dengan Metode Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/S00201906339 | Kementrian Hukum dan HAM/Ditjen KI | 2021 |
17. | Paten Sederhana: Kit Diagnostik fimC- Salmonella typhi Dengan Metode Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/S00201906340 | Kementrian Hukum dan HAM/Ditjen KI | 2021 |