K3L or Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (=OSHE; Occupational Safety Health and Environment) is an obligation and necessity for all organizations including FMIPA UNJ in protecting and ensuring that employees, contractors, and visitors (guests) who may be affected by the organization’s activities always remain safe.

To achieve this goal, the FMIPA UNJ OSHE unit organization has the task of managing various matters in OSHE, such as managing OSHE guidelines, identifying hazards and controlling risks, coordinating emergency responses, coordinating waste management and training in OSHE skills. Managing preventive and corrective actions for all risks and incidents identified in the FMIPA environment is also an important task for the OSHE unit.

FMIPA UNJ adopts Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection as strategic pillars of the faculty. We believe that managing work safety, health, and environmental issues is an integral part of faculty management. Therefore, the faculty ensures OSHE integrity in various activity processes as well as the provision, utilization, and maintenance of work facilities, both offices, teaching and research and community service belonging to the faculty. In addition, the faculty is committed to continuing to improve the provision of a safer workplace and reduce the environmental footprint (ecological/environmental footprint). In carrying out work activities, staff, students, and visitors, FMIPA are accustomed to absolute compliance with standards based on relevant laws.

On this basis, our OSHE unit was formed within the scope of FMIPA UNJ. This unit is tasked with compiling and implementing safety, occupational health and environmental management policies, including assisting in the preparation of proposed regulations at the FMIPA level or higher, protocols, guidelines, risk management, as well as accident mitigation and emergency preparedness efforts disaster (emergency) in the FMIPA UNJ environs.